Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
In an L-R circuit, the inductive reactance is equal to the resistance R of the circuit. An e.m.f. E = Eo applied to the circuit. The power consumed in the circuit is
In an L-R circuit, the inductive reactance is equal to the resistance R of the circuit. An e.m.f. E = Eo applied to the circuit. The power consumed in the circuit is In an L-R circuit the inductive reactance is equal to the resistance R of the circuit. An e.m.f. E = Eo applied to [...]
The number of particles scattered at 60 is 100 per minute in an alpha particle scattering experiment, using gold foil. Calculate the number of particles per minute scattered at 90 angle.
The number of particles scattered at 60 is 100 per minute in an alpha particle scattering experiment, using gold foil. Calculate the number of particles per minute scattered at 90 angle. The number of particles scattered at 60 is 100 per minute in an alpha particle scattering experiment using gold foil. Calculate the number of [...]
The self inductance of a choke coil is 10 mH. when it is connected with a 10 V dc source, then the loss of power is 20 W. when it is connected with 10 V ac source loss of power is 10 W. The frequency of ac source will be
The self inductance of a choke coil is 10 mH. when it is connected with a 10 V dc source, then the loss of power is 20 W. when it is connected with 10 V ac source loss of power is 10 W. The frequency of ac source will be The self inductance of a [...]
A beam of electrons hit the slits of separation d after passing through a potential difference V. They will form intreference pattern on a screen situated at a distance D from the slits, (a) Find the distance beta between
A beam of electrons hit the slits of separation d after passing through a potential difference V. They will form intreference pattern on a screen situated at a distance D from the slits, (a) Find the distance beta between (a) Find the distance beta between A beam of electrons hit the slits of separation d [...]
In a photoelectric effect set-up a point source of light of power 3.2 * 10^-3 W emits monoenergetic photons of energy 5.0 eV. The source is located at a distance of 0.8 m from the centre of a stationary
In a photoelectric effect set-up a point source of light of power 3.2 * 10^-3 W emits monoenergetic photons of energy 5.0 eV. The source is located at a distance of 0.8 m from the centre of a stationary 4.2 eV are required to remove an electron from its surface. What is the kinetic energy [...]
A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 A, 4972 A and 6216 A with a total intensity of 3.6 * 10^-3 Wm^-2 equally distributed amongst the three wavelengths. The beam falls normally
A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 A, 4972 A and 6216 A with a total intensity of 3.6 * 10^-3 Wm^-2 equally distributed amongst the three wavelengths. The beam falls normally 4972 A and 6216 A with a total intensity of 3.6 * 10^-3 Wm^-2 equally distributed amongst the three wavelengths. The beam [...]
Ultraviolet light of wavelengths 800 A and 700 A when allowed to fall on hydrogen atoms in their ground states is found to liberate electrons with kinetic energies 1.8 eV and 4.0 eV, respectively. Find the value of Planck’s constant.
Ultraviolet light of wavelengths 800 A and 700 A when allowed to fall on hydrogen atoms in their ground states is found to liberate electrons with kinetic energies 1.8 eV and 4.0 eV, respectively. Find the value of Planck’s constant. respectively. Find the value of Planck's constant. Ultraviolet light of wavelengths 800 A and 700 [...]
2.5 /pie muF capacitor and 3000 ohm resistance are joined in series to an ac source of 200 V and 50 /sec frequency. The power factor of the circuit and the power dissipated in it will be, respectively,
2.5 /pie muF capacitor and 3000 ohm resistance are joined in series to an ac source of 200 V and 50 /sec frequency. The power factor of the circuit and the power dissipated in it will be, respectively, 2.5 /pie muF capacitor and 3000 ohm resistance are joined in series to an ac source of [...]
The r.m.s. current in an ac circuit is 2 A. if the wattless current be root 3 A, what is the power factor?
The r.m.s. current in an ac circuit is 2 A. if the wattless current be root 3 A, what is the power factor? The r.m.s. current in an ac circuit is 2 A. if the wattless current be root 3 A what is the power factor? September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by [...]
A 40 W ultraviolet light source of wavelength 2480 A illuminates a magnesium (Mg) surface placed 2 m away. Determine the number of photons emitted from the surface per second and the number incident on unit area
A 40 W ultraviolet light source of wavelength 2480 A illuminates a magnesium (Mg) surface placed 2 m away. Determine the number of photons emitted from the surface per second and the number incident on unit area emitting electrons. Assuming that the work function of the surface can be neglected. Find the de-Broglie wavelength of [...]