The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. After getting reflected from an approaching aeroplane
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. After getting reflected from an approaching aeroplane
The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. After getting reflected from an approaching aeroplane, the apparent frequency is more than the actual frequency by 2.6 kHz. The aeroplane
The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. After getting reflected from an approaching aeroplane, the apparent frequency is more than the actual frequency by 2.6 kHz. The aeroplane the apparent frequency is more than the actual frequency by 2.6 kHz. The aeroplane The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. After getting reflected from [...]
The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. After getting reflected from an approaching aeroplane, the apparent frequency is more than the actual frequency by 2.6 kHz. The aeroplane has a speed of
The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. After getting reflected from an approaching aeroplane, the apparent frequency is more than the actual frequency by 2.6 kHz. The aeroplane has a speed of the apparent frequency is more than the actual frequency by 2.6 kHz. The aeroplane has a speed of The frequency of a [...]