Two communicating cylindrical tubes contain mercury. The diametr of one vessel is four times large than the diameter of the outer. A column of water of heigt 70cm is poured into the narrow vessel. How much wil the mercury level rise in the other vessel and how much will it sink in the narow one? How much will the mercury level rise in the narrow vessel, if a column of water of the same height is pured into the broad vessel?
Two communicating cylindrical tubes contain mercury. The diametr of one vessel is four times large than the diameter of the outer. A column of water of heigt 70cm is poured into the narrow vessel. How much wil the mercury level rise in the other vessel and how much will it sink in the narow one? [...]
A vertical U tube of uniform cross section contains mercury in both of its arms. A glycerine (d=1.3g/cm3) column of length 10cm is introduced into one of the arms. Oil of density 0.8g/cm3 is poured in the other arm until the upper surfaces of the oil and glycerine are in the same horizontal level. Find the length of oil column. Densit of mercury is 13.6g/cm3.
A vertical U tube of uniform cross section contains mercury in both of its arms. A glycerine (d=1.3g/cm3) column of length 10cm is introduced into one of the arms. Oil of density 0.8g/cm3 is poured in the other arm until the upper surfaces of the oil and glycerine are in the same horizontal level. Find [...]
Figure shows an open tube which contains some water and a less dense liquid poured ino the right hand side. If the density of the unknown liquid is ρx, show that ρx=ρwhwhx
Figure shows an open tube which contains some water and a less dense liquid poured ino the right hand side. If the density of the unknown liquid is ρx, show that ρx=ρwhwhx Figure shows an open tube which contains some water and a less dense liquid poured ino the right hand side. If the density [...]