In the plane mirror
In the plane mirror, the coordinates of image of a charged particle (initially at origin as shown in fig. after two and a half time periods are (initial velocity of charge particle v0 in the x-y plane and the plane mirror is perpendicular to the x-axis. A uniform magnetic field Biˆ exists in the space. P0 is pitch of helix, R0 is raduis of helix.)
In the plane mirror, the coordinates of image of a charged particle (initially at origin as shown in fig. after two and a half time periods are (initial velocity of charge particle v0 in the x-y plane and the plane mirror is perpendicular to the x-axis. A uniform magnetic field Biˆ exists in the space. [...]
An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference V. This electron experiences a force F in a uniform magnetic field. On increasing the potential difference to V' ,
In the plane mirror ,
the force experienced by the electron in the same magnetic field becomes 2F. Then ,
the ratio (V'/V) is equal to ,