In Melde’s experiment
In Melde’s experiment, a string of length 0.8 m and mass 1.0 g vibrates in 4 segments when the tension in the string is 0.4 kg wt. The frequency of the fork is
In Melde’s experiment, a string of length 0.8 m and mass 1.0 g vibrates in 4 segments when the tension in the string is 0.4 kg wt. The frequency of the fork is a string of length 0.8 m and mass 1.0 g vibrates in 4 segments when the tension in the string is 0.4 [...]
In Melde’s experiment, a string of length 0.8 m and mass 1.0 g vibrates in 4 segments when the tension in the string is 0.4 kg wt. The frequency of the fork is
In Melde’s experiment, a string of length 0.8 m and mass 1.0 g vibrates in 4 segments when the tension in the string is 0.4 kg wt. The frequency of the fork is a string of length 0.8 m and mass 1.0 g vibrates in 4 segments when the tension in the string is 0.4 [...]
In Melde’s experiment, when a string is stretched by a piece of glass it vibrates with 7 loops. When the glass piece is completely immersed in water the string vibrates in 9 loops. What is the specific gravity of glass?
In Melde’s experiment, when a string is stretched by a piece of glass it vibrates with 7 loops. When the glass piece is completely immersed in water the string vibrates in 9 loops. What is the specific gravity of glass? In Melde's experiment when a string is stretched by a piece of glass it vibrates [...]
In Melde’s experiment, a string vibrates in 3 loops when 8 g were placed in a pan. What mass must be placed in the pan to make the string vibrate in 5 loops?
In Melde’s experiment, a string vibrates in 3 loops when 8 g were placed in a pan. What mass must be placed in the pan to make the string vibrate in 5 loops? a string vibrates in 3 loops when 8 g were placed in a pan. What mass must be placed in the pan [...]