An air column closed at one end and opened at the other end
An air column closed at one end and opened at the other end, resonates with a tuning fork of frequency v when its length is 45 cm and 99 cm and at two other lengths in between
An air column closed at one end and opened at the other end, resonates with a tuning fork of frequency v when its length is 45 cm and 99 cm and at two other lengths in between An air column closed at one end and opened at the other end resonates with a tuning fork [...]
A glass tube 1.0 m length is filled with water. The water can be drained out slowly at the bottom of the tube. If a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 500 c/s, is brought at the upper end of the tube, and the velocity of sound is 330 m/s, then the total number of resonances obtained will be
A glass tube 1.0 m length is filled with water. The water can be drained out slowly at the bottom of the tube. If a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 500 c/s, is brought at the upper end of the tube, and the velocity of sound is 330 m/s, then the total number of resonances [...]
A long glass tube is held vertically in water . A tuning fork is struck and held over the tube . Strong resonances are observed at two successive lengths 0.50m and 0.84m above the surface of water . If the velocity of sound is 340m/s, then the frequency of the tuning fork is
A long glass tube is held vertically in water . A tuning fork is struck and held over the tube . Strong resonances are observed at two successive lengths 0.50m and 0.84m above the surface of water . If the velocity of sound is 340m/s, then the frequency of the tuning fork is An air [...]
An air column closed at one end and opened at the other end , resonates with a tuning fork of frequency f when its length is 45cm and 99cm and at two other lengths in between these values. The wavelength of sound in air column is
An air column closed at one end and opened at the other end , resonates with a tuning fork of frequency f when its length is 45cm and 99cm and at two other lengths in between these values. The wavelength of sound in air column is An air column closed at one end and opened [...]