A tuning fork and sonometer give 5 beats per second
Sound waves of frequency 600HZ fall normally on perfectly reflecting wall. The distance from the wall at which the air particles have the maximum amplitude of vibration is (speed of sound in air = 330m/s)
Sound waves of frequency 600HZ fall normally on perfectly reflecting wall. The distance from the wall at which the air particles have the maximum amplitude of vibration is (speed of sound in air = 330m/s) A tuning fork and sonometer give 5 beats per second the frequency of the fork is. when the length of [...]
A tuning fork and sonometer give 5 beats per second, when the length of the wire is 1 m and 1.05 m, the frequency of the fork is.
A tuning fork and sonometer give 5 beats per second, when the length of the wire is 1 m and 1.05 m, the frequency of the fork is. A tuning fork and sonometer give 5 beats per second the frequency of the fork is. when the length of the wire is 1 m and 1.05 [...]