A standing wave is set up in a string of variable length and tension by a vibrator of variable frequency. Both ends of the string are fixed. When the vibrator has a frequency f
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > A standing wave is set up in a string of variable length and tension by a vibrator of variable frequency. Both ends of the string are fixed. When the vibrator has a frequency f
The water level in a vertical glass tube 1.0 m long can be adjusted to any position in the tube. A tuning fork vibrating at 660 Hz is held just over the open top end of the tube. At what positions of the water level will
The water level in a vertical glass tube 1.0 m long can be adjusted to any position in the tube. A tuning fork vibrating at 660 Hz is held just over the open top end of the tube. At what positions of the water level will A standing wave is set up in a string [...]
A standing wave is set up in a string of variable length and tension by a vibrator of variable frequency. Both ends of the string are fixed. When the vibrator has a frequency f, in a string of length L and under tension T,
A standing wave is set up in a string of variable length and tension by a vibrator of variable frequency. Both ends of the string are fixed. When the vibrator has a frequency f, in a string of length L and under tension T, A standing wave is set up in a string of variable [...]