Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
Example 2: Express in the form of a + ib. (i) (-5i)(1/8i)
Example 2: Express in the form of a + ib. (i) (-5i)(1/8i) Example 2: Express in the form of a + ib. (i) (-5i)(1/8i) October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 5 - Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations , Maths , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 ,
Example 1: If 4x + i(3x – y) = 3 + i (– 6), where x and y are real numbers, then find the values of x and y.
Example 1: If 4x + i(3x – y) = 3 + i (– 6), where x and y are real numbers, then find the values of x and y. Example 1: If 4x + i(3x – y) = 3 + i (– 6) then find the values of x and y. where x and y [...]
Example 3 Express (5 – 3i)^3 in the form a + ib.
Example 3 Express (5 – 3i)^3 in the form a + ib. Example 3 Express (5 – 3i)^3 in the form a + ib. October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 5 - Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations , Maths , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 ,
Find sin x/2 , cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 10. sin x = 4/1, x in quadrant II
Find sin x/2 , cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 10. sin x = 4/1, x in quadrant II cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 10. sin x = 4/1 Find sin x/2 x in quadrant II October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 3 - Trigonometric [...]
Find sin x/2 , cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 9. cos x = −1/3, x in quadrant III
Find sin x/2 , cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 9. cos x = −1/3, x in quadrant III cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 9. cos x = −1/3 Find sin x/2 x in quadrant III October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 3 - Trigonometric [...]
Find sin x/2 , cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 8. tan x = −4/3, x in quadrant II
Find sin x/2 , cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 8. tan x = −4/3, x in quadrant II cos x/2 and tan x/2 in each of the following : 8. tan x = −4/3 Find sin x/2 x in quadrant II October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 3 - Trigonometric [...]
Prove that: 7. sin 3x + sin 2x – sin x = 4sin x cos x/2 cos 3x/2
Prove that: 7. sin 3x + sin 2x – sin x = 4sin x cos x/2 cos 3x/2 Prove that: 7. sin 3x + sin 2x – sin x = 4sin x cos x/2 cos 3x/2 October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 3 - Trigonometric Functions , Maths , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 ,
Prove that: 6. (sin 7x + sin 5x ) + (sin 9x + sin 3x ) / (cos 7x + cos 5x ) + (cos 9x + cos 3x ) = tan 6
Prove that: 6. (sin 7x + sin 5x ) + (sin 9x + sin 3x ) / (cos 7x + cos 5x ) + (cos 9x + cos 3x ) = tan 6 Prove that: 6. (sin 7x + sin 5x ) + (sin 9x + sin 3x ) / (cos 7x + cos 5x [...]
Prove that: 5. sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x + sin 7x = 4 cos x cos 2x sin 4x
Prove that: 5. sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x + sin 7x = 4 cos x cos 2x sin 4x Prove that: 5. sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x + sin 7x = 4 cos x cos 2x sin 4x October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 3 - Trigonometric Functions , Maths [...]
Prove that: 4. (cos x – cos y)^2 + (sin x – sin y)^2 = 4 sin^2 x – y/2
Prove that: 4. (cos x – cos y)^2 + (sin x – sin y)^2 = 4 sin^2 x – y/2 Prove that: 4. (cos x – cos y)^2 + (sin x – sin y)^2 = 4 sin^2 x - y/2 October 24, 2021 Category: Chapter 3 - Trigonometric Functions , Maths , NCERT Exemplar Class [...]