Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A thin uniform wire AB of length 1 m, an unknown resistance X and a resistance of 12Ω are connected by thick conducting strips, as shown in the figure. A battery and a galvanometer (with a sliding jockey connected to it) are also available. Connections are to be made to measure the unknown resistance X. Using the principle of Wheatstone bridge answer the following questions : (a) Are there positive and negative terminals on the galvanometer? (b) Copy the figure in your answer book and show the battery and the galvanometer (with jockey connect at appropriate points. (c) After appropriate connections are made, it is found that no deflection takes place in th, from galvanometer when the sliding jockey touches the wire at a distance of 60 cm from A. Obtain value of the resistance X.
A thin uniform wire AB of length 1 m, an unknown resistance X and a resistance of 12Ω are connected by thick conducting strips, as shown in the figure. A battery and a galvanometer (with a sliding jockey connected to it) are also available. Connections are to be made to measure the unknown resistance X. [...]
A thin uniform wire AB of length 1 m ,
an unknown resistance X and a resistance of 12Ω are connected by thick conducting strips ,
consisting of two resistors X and Y together in parallel with a meter long constantan wire of uniform cross section. Which the help of a movable contact D ,
Figure shows a meter bridge (which is nothing but a practical Wheatstone bridge) ,
if one decides to balance a resistance of 4 X against Y ,
In a meter bridge experiment null point is obtained at 20 cm. from one end of the wire when resistance X is balanced against another resistance Y. If XltY ,
then where will be the new position of the null point from the same end ,
Figures shows two identical simple pendulums of length l. One is tilled at an angle alpha and imparted an initial velocity v1 toward mean position and at the same time other one is projected away from mean position at a velocity
Figures shows two identical simple pendulums of length l. One is tilled at an angle alpha and imparted an initial velocity v1 toward mean position and at the same time other one is projected away from mean position at a velocity (b) the linear amplitude of the bob (c) the speed of the bob when [...]
Figure shows a meter bridge (which is nothing but a practical Wheatstone bridge), consisting of two resistors X and Y together in parallel with a meter long constantan wire of uniform cross section. Which the help of a movable contact D, one can change the ratio of resistance of the two segments of the wire until a sensitive galvanometer G connected across B and D shows no deflection. The null point is found to be a distance of 33.7 cm. The resistor Y is shunted by a resistance of 12 ω, and the null point is found to shift by a distance of 18.2 cm. Determine the approximate resistance of X and Y in ohm.
Figure shows a meter bridge (which is nothing but a practical Wheatstone bridge), consisting of two resistors X and Y together in parallel with a meter long constantan wire of uniform cross section. Which the help of a movable contact D, one can change the ratio of resistance of the two segments of the wire [...]
consisting of two resistors X and Y together in parallel with a meter long constantan wire of uniform cross section. Which the help of a movable contact D ,
Figure shows a meter bridge (which is nothing but a practical Wheatstone bridge) ,
if one decides to balance a resistance of 4 X against Y ,
In a meter bridge experiment null point is obtained at 20 cm. from one end of the wire when resistance X is balanced against another resistance Y. If XltY ,
then where will be the new position of the null point from the same end ,
In a meter bridge experiment null point is obtained at 20 cm. from one end of the wire when resistance X is balanced against another resistance Y. If XltY, then where will be the new position of the null point from the same end, if one decides to balance a resistance of 4 X against Y
In a meter bridge experiment null point is obtained at 20 cm. from one end of the wire when resistance X is balanced against another resistance Y. If XltY, then where will be the new position of the null point from the same end, if one decides to balance a resistance of 4 X against [...]
A ball is suspended by a thread of length l at the point O on an incline wall as shown. The inclination of the wall with the vertical is alpha. The thread is displaced through a small angle beta away from the vertical and the ball is released.
A ball is suspended by a thread of length l at the point O on an incline wall as shown. The inclination of the wall with the vertical is alpha. The thread is displaced through a small angle beta away from the vertical and the ball is released. (b) the linear amplitude of the bob [...]
In the following circuit, a metre bridge is shown in its balanced state. The metre bridge wire has a resistance of 1 ohm/cm. calculate the value of the unknown resistance X and the current drawn from the battery of negligible internal resistance.
In the following circuit, a metre bridge is shown in its balanced state. The metre bridge wire has a resistance of 1 ohm/cm. calculate the value of the unknown resistance X and the current drawn from the battery of negligible internal resistance. Cells A and B and a galvanometer G are connected to a side [...]
Cells A and B and a galvanometer G are connected to a side wire OS by two sliding contacts C and D as shows in Fig. 6.17. The slide wire is 100cm long and has a resistance of 12Ω. With OD=75cm ,
In the following circuit ,
In the simple potentionmeter circuit ,
respectively. When X is shunted by a wire ,
the balance point is found to be 0.625 m from A. What is the resistance of the shunt? ,
the galvanometer gives no deflections when OC is 50cm. If D is moved to touch the end of wire S ,
the resistors X and Y have values of 5Ω and 2Ω ,
where the length AB of the potentiometer wire is 1 m ,
A simple pendulum of length 40 cm oscillates with an angular amplitude of 0.04 rad. Find (a) the time period, (b) the linear amplitude of the bob, (c) the speed of the bob when the string makes 0.02 rad with the vertical and
A simple pendulum of length 40 cm oscillates with an angular amplitude of 0.04 rad. Find (a) the time period, (b) the linear amplitude of the bob, (c) the speed of the bob when the string makes 0.02 rad with the vertical and (b) the linear amplitude of the bob (c) the speed of the [...]
Cells A and B and a galvanometer G are connected to a side wire OS by two sliding contacts C and D as shows in Fig. 6.17. The slide wire is 100cm long and has a resistance of 12Ω. With OD=75cm, the galvanometer gives no deflections when OC is 50cm. If D is moved to touch the end of wire S, the value of OC for which the galvanometer shows no deflection is 62.5cm. The emf of cell B is 1.0V. Calculate (i) the potential difference across O and D when D is at 75cm mark from O (ii) the potential difference across OS when D touches S (iii) internal resistance of cell A (iv) the emf of cell A
Cells A and B and a galvanometer G are connected to a side wire OS by two sliding contacts C and D as shows in Fig. 6.17. The slide wire is 100cm long and has a resistance of 12Ω. With OD=75cm, the galvanometer gives no deflections when OC is 50cm. If D is moved to [...]
Cells A and B and a galvanometer G are connected to a side wire OS by two sliding contacts C and D as shows in Fig. 6.17. The slide wire is 100cm long and has a resistance of 12Ω. With OD=75cm ,
In the simple potentionmeter circuit ,
respectively. When X is shunted by a wire ,
the balance point is found to be 0.625 m from A. What is the resistance of the shunt? ,
the galvanometer gives no deflections when OC is 50cm. If D is moved to touch the end of wire S ,
the resistors X and Y have values of 5Ω and 2Ω ,
where the length AB of the potentiometer wire is 1 m ,
The figure shows a particle of mass m attached with four identical springs each of length l. Initial tension in each spring is F0. Neglecting gravity, calculate period of small oscillations of the particle along a line perpendicular to the plane of the figure.
The figure shows a particle of mass m attached with four identical springs each of length l. Initial tension in each spring is F0. Neglecting gravity, calculate period of small oscillations of the particle along a line perpendicular to the plane of the figure. calculate period of small oscillations of the particle along a line [...]
In the simple potentionmeter circuit, where the length AB of the potentiometer wire is 1 m, the resistors X and Y have values of 5Ω and 2Ω, respectively. When X is shunted by a wire, the balance point is found to be 0.625 m from A. What is the resistance of the shunt?
In the simple potentionmeter circuit, where the length AB of the potentiometer wire is 1 m, the resistors X and Y have values of 5Ω and 2Ω, respectively. When X is shunted by a wire, the balance point is found to be 0.625 m from A. What is the resistance of the shunt? In the [...]