Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
Two radio stations broadcast their programmes at the same amplitude A, and at slightly different frequencies omega 1 and omega 2 respectively, where omega 2 – omega 1 = 10^3Hz. A detector receives the signals from the
Two radio stations broadcast their programmes at the same amplitude A, and at slightly different frequencies omega 1 and omega 2 respectively, where omega 2 – omega 1 = 10^3Hz. A detector receives the signals from the and at slightly different frequencies omega 1 and omega 2 respectively Two radio stations broadcast their programmes at [...]
The water level in a vertical glass tube 1.0 m long can be adjusted to any position in the tube. A tuning fork vibrating at 660 Hz is held just over the open top end of the tube. At what positions of the water level will
The water level in a vertical glass tube 1.0 m long can be adjusted to any position in the tube. A tuning fork vibrating at 660 Hz is held just over the open top end of the tube. At what positions of the water level will A standing wave is set up in a string [...]
A standing wave is set up in a string of variable length and tension by a vibrator of variable frequency. Both ends of the string are fixed. When the vibrator has a frequency f, in a string of length L and under tension T,
A standing wave is set up in a string of variable length and tension by a vibrator of variable frequency. Both ends of the string are fixed. When the vibrator has a frequency f, in a string of length L and under tension T, A standing wave is set up in a string of variable [...]
The two parts of a sonometer wire divided by a movable knife edge differ by 2 mm and produce one beat per second when sounded together. Find their frequencies if the whole length of the wire is 1 m.
The two parts of a sonometer wire divided by a movable knife edge differ by 2 mm and produce one beat per second when sounded together. Find their frequencies if the whole length of the wire is 1 m. The two parts of a sonometer wire divided by a movable knife edge differ by 2 [...]
When the wire of a sonometer is 73 cm long, it is in resonance with a tuning fork. On shortening the wire by 0.5 cm, it makes 3 beats with the same fork. Calculate the frequency of the tuning fork.
When the wire of a sonometer is 73 cm long, it is in resonance with a tuning fork. On shortening the wire by 0.5 cm, it makes 3 beats with the same fork. Calculate the frequency of the tuning fork. it is in resonance with a tuning fork. On shortening the wire by 0.5 cm [...]
Wavelength of two notes in air is (90/175) m and (90/173) m, respectively. Each of these notes produces 4 beats/s with a third note of a a fixed frequency. Calculate the velocity of sound in air.
Wavelength of two notes in air is (90/175) m and (90/173) m, respectively. Each of these notes produces 4 beats/s with a third note of a a fixed frequency. Calculate the velocity of sound in air. respectively. Each of these notes produces 4 beats/s with a third note of a a fixed frequency. Calculate the [...]
Two identical piano strings of length 0.750 m are each tuned exactly to 440 Hz. The tension in one of the strings is then increased by 1.0%. If they are now struck, what is the beat frequency between the
Two identical piano strings of length 0.750 m are each tuned exactly to 440 Hz. The tension in one of the strings is then increased by 1.0%. If they are now struck, what is the beat frequency between the Two identical piano strings of length 0.750 m are each tuned exactly to 440 Hz. The [...]
Two tuning forks A and B produce 4 beats per second when sounded simultaneously. The frequency of A is known to be 256 Hz. When B is loaded with a little wax 4 beats per second are again produced.
Two tuning forks A and B produce 4 beats per second when sounded simultaneously. The frequency of A is known to be 256 Hz. When B is loaded with a little wax 4 beats per second are again produced. Two tuning forks A and B produce 4 beats per second when sounded simultaneously. The frequency [...]
A metal rod of length l = 100 cm is clamped at two points A and B as shown in figure. Distance of each clamp from nearer end is a = 30 cm. If density and Young’s modulus of elasticity of rod material
A metal rod of length l = 100 cm is clamped at two points A and B as shown in figure. Distance of each clamp from nearer end is a = 30 cm. If density and Young’s modulus of elasticity of rod material A metal rod of length l = 100 cm is clamped at [...]
A metallic rod of length 1 m is rigidly clamped at its midpoint. Longitudinal stationary waves are set up in the rod in such a way that there are two nodes on either side of the midpoint. The amplitude of an antinode is
A metallic rod of length 1 m is rigidly clamped at its midpoint. Longitudinal stationary waves are set up in the rod in such a way that there are two nodes on either side of the midpoint. The amplitude of an antinode is An aluminium rod 1.60m long is held at its centre. It is [...]