Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A battery of emf E and of negligible internal resistance is connected in a L−R circuit as shown in figure. The inductor has a piece of soft iron inside it. When steady state is reached in the piece of soft iron is abruptly pulled out suddenly so that the inductance of the inductor decreases to nL with n<1 with battery remaining connected. Calculate. a. Current as a function of time assuming t=0 at the instant when piece is pulled. b. the work done to pull out the piece.
A battery of emf E and of negligible internal resistance is connected in a L−R circuit as shown in figure. The inductor has a piece of soft iron inside it. When steady state is reached in the piece of soft iron is abruptly pulled out suddenly so that the inductance of the inductor decreases to [...]
The capacitors shown in the circuit have capacitance C1 = C and C2 = 3C and they have been charged to potenitals V1=2V0 and V2=3V0 respectively. Switch S is closed to connect them to the inductor L. (a) Find the maximum current through the inductor (b) Find potential difference across C1 and C2 when the current in the inductor is maximum.
The capacitors shown in the circuit have capacitance C1 = C and C2 = 3C and they have been charged to potenitals V1=2V0 and V2=3V0 respectively. Switch S is closed to connect them to the inductor L. (a) Find the maximum current through the inductor (b) Find potential difference across C1 and C2 when the [...]
a or b ,
c or d ,
E = 120 V ,
In the circuit shown in fig ,
In the circuit shown in Figure ,
Initially the 900μF capacitor is charged to 100 V and the 100μF capacitor is uncharged in Fig. Then switch S2 is closed for time t1 ,
is at higher potential? (c) What is the potential difference Vcd across the inductor L? (d) Which point ,
is at steady state. if R1 = R2= R3 =R and the current through each resistor is i. Find the currents through the resistors immediately after the switch S is opened. ,
R1 = 30.0 Ω ,
R2 =50.0Ω and L = 0.200 H. Switch S is closed at t=0. Just after the switch is closed.(a) What is the potential difference Vab across the inductor R1? (b) Which point ,
A point object is moving with velocity 5 cm/s at angle 37 towards a stationary concave mirror of focal length 20 cm as shown in figure. Find the image position and its velocity when the object is at a distance 30
A point object is moving with velocity 5 cm/s at angle 37 towards a stationary concave mirror of focal length 20 cm as shown in figure. Find the image position and its velocity when the object is at a distance 30 A vertically erect object placed on the optic axis at a distance (5/2)f from [...]
In the circuit shown in fig, s1 and s2 are switches. S2 remains closed for a long time and s1 is opened. Now S1 is also closed. just after S1 is closed, find the potential difference (V) across R and di/dt in L.
In the circuit shown in fig, s1 and s2 are switches. S2 remains closed for a long time and s1 is opened. Now S1 is also closed. just after S1 is closed, find the potential difference (V) across R and di/dt in L. find the potential difference (V) across R and di/dt in L. In [...]
A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm and a point object both are moving away from each other with velocities 1 ms^-1 and 10 ms^-1 respectively as shown in figure. Find the velocity of
A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm and a point object both are moving away from each other with velocities 1 ms^-1 and 10 ms^-1 respectively as shown in figure. Find the velocity of A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm and a point object both are moving away from each other with [...]
In figure, AB is the principal axis of the concave mirror. A point object moves on the line PQ which makes small angle theta with the principal axis. Show that image also moves in
In figure, AB is the principal axis of the concave mirror. A point object moves on the line PQ which makes small angle theta with the principal axis. Show that image also moves in AB is the principal axis of the concave mirror. A point object moves on the line PQ which makes small angle [...]
Figure shows a toroidal solenoid whose cross-section is rectangular in shape. Find the magnetic flux through this cross-section if the current through the toroidal winding is I, total number of turns in winding is N, the inside and outside radii of the toroid are a and b respectively and the height of toroid is equal to h.
Figure shows a toroidal solenoid whose cross-section is rectangular in shape. Find the magnetic flux through this cross-section if the current through the toroidal winding is I, total number of turns in winding is N, the inside and outside radii of the toroid are a and b respectively and the height of toroid is equal [...]
Figure shows a toroidal solenoid whose cross-section is rectangular in shape. Find the magnetic flux through this cross-section if the current through the toroidal winding is I ,
the inside and outside radii of the toroid are a and b respectively and the height of toroid is equal to h. ,
total number of turns in winding is N ,
A concave mirror and a convex mirror of focal lengths 15 cm and 30 cm are placed at a distance of 75 cm. An object of height 3 cm is placed at a distance of 20 cm from the concave mirror. First ray is incident
A concave mirror and a convex mirror of focal lengths 15 cm and 30 cm are placed at a distance of 75 cm. An object of height 3 cm is placed at a distance of 20 cm from the concave mirror. First ray is incident A vertically erect object placed on the optic axis at [...]
Two concave mirrors are placed 40 cm apart and are facing each other. A point object lies between them at a distance of 12 cm from the mirror of focal length 10 cm. The other mirror has a focal length of 15
Two concave mirrors are placed 40 cm apart and are facing each other. A point object lies between them at a distance of 12 cm from the mirror of focal length 10 cm. The other mirror has a focal length of 15 A vertically erect object placed on the optic axis at a distance (5/2)f [...]
A metal rod OA of mass ‘m’ and length ‘r’ is kept rotating with a constant angular speed ω in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis at the end O. The free end A is arranged to slide without friction along fixed conduction circular ring in the same plane as that of rotation. A uniform and constant magnetic induction B→ is applied perpendicular and into the plane of rotation as shown in the figure below. An inductor L and an external resistance R are connected through a swithch S between the point O and a point C on the ring to form an electrical circuit. Neglect the resistance of the ring and the rod. Initially, the switch is open. (a) What is the induced emf across the teminal of the switch? (b) The switch S is closed at time t=0. (i) Obtain an expression for the current as a function of time. (ii) In the steady state, obtin the time dependence of the torque required to maintain the constant angular speed, given that the rod OA was along the positive X-axis at t=0
A metal rod OA of mass ‘m’ and length ‘r’ is kept rotating with a constant angular speed ω in a vertical plane about a horizontal axis at the end O. The free end A is arranged to slide without friction along fixed conduction circular ring in the same plane as that of rotation. A [...]
a or b ,
c or d ,
E = 120 V ,
In the circuit shown in fig ,
In the circuit shown in Figure ,
Initially the 900μF capacitor is charged to 100 V and the 100μF capacitor is uncharged in Fig. Then switch S2 is closed for time t1 ,
is at higher potential? (c) What is the potential difference Vcd across the inductor L? (d) Which point ,
is at steady state. if R1 = R2= R3 =R and the current through each resistor is i. Find the currents through the resistors immediately after the switch S is opened. ,
R1 = 30.0 Ω ,
R2 =50.0Ω and L = 0.200 H. Switch S is closed at t=0. Just after the switch is closed.(a) What is the potential difference Vab across the inductor R1? (b) Which point ,