Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A cylindrical vessel, whose diameter and height both are equal to 30 cm, is placed on a horizontal surface and a small particle P is placed in it at a distance of 5.0 cm from the centre. An eye is placed at a position
A cylindrical vessel, whose diameter and height both are equal to 30 cm, is placed on a horizontal surface and a small particle P is placed in it at a distance of 5.0 cm from the centre. An eye is placed at a position A cylindrical vessel is placed on a horizontal surface and a [...]
A searchlight on a yacht is being used at night to illuminate a sunken box, as in figure. At what angle of incidence theta 1 should the light be aimed?
A searchlight on a yacht is being used at night to illuminate a sunken box, as in figure. At what angle of incidence theta 1 should the light be aimed? A searchlight on a yacht is being used at night to illuminate a sunken box as in figure. At what angle of incidence theta 1 [...]
Two capacitors of capacitances 2C and C are connected in series with an inductor of inductance L. Initially, capacitors have charge such that VB-VA=4V0 and VC-VD=V0. Initial current in the circuit is zero. Find (a) maximum current that will flow in the circuit, (b) potential difference across each capacitor at that instant, (c) equation of current flowing towards left in the inductor.
Two capacitors of capacitances 2C and C are connected in series with an inductor of inductance L. Initially, capacitors have charge such that VB-VA=4V0 and VC-VD=V0. Initial current in the circuit is zero. Find (a) maximum current that will flow in the circuit, (b) potential difference across each capacitor at that instant, (c) equation of [...]
(b) potential difference across each capacitor at that instant ,
(c) equation of current flowing towards left in the inductor. ,
capacitors have charge such that VB-VA=4V0 and VC-VD=V0. Initial current in the circuit is zero. Find (a) maximum current that will flow in the circuit ,
Two capacitors of capacitances 2C and C are connected in series with an inductor of inductance L. Initially ,
A light beam passes from medium 1 to medium 2. Show that the emerging beam is parallel to the incident beam.
A light beam passes from medium 1 to medium 2. Show that the emerging beam is parallel to the incident beam. A light beam passes from medium 1 to medium 2. Show that the emerging beam is parallel to the incident beam. September 8, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP [...]
In the circuit shown switches S1 and S2 have been closed for 1sec and S2 remained open.Just after 1 second is over switch S2 is closed and S1, S3 are opened.Find (a) the maximum current in the inductor coil and maximum charge in capacitor. (b) The charge on the upper plate of the capacitor as function of time taking the instant of switching on of S2 and switching off all time switches to be t=0
In the circuit shown switches S1 and S2 have been closed for 1sec and S2 remained open.Just after 1 second is over switch S2 is closed and S1, S3 are opened.Find (a) the maximum current in the inductor coil and maximum charge in capacitor. (b) The charge on the upper plate of the capacitor as [...]
A light ray is incident on a glass sphere of reflective index mu = root 3 at an angle of incidence 60 as shown in figure. Find the angles r, r’, e and the total deviation after two refractions.
A light ray is incident on a glass sphere of reflective index mu = root 3 at an angle of incidence 60 as shown in figure. Find the angles r, r’, e and the total deviation after two refractions. A light ray is incident on a glass sphere of reflective index mu = root 3 [...]
A ray of light is incident on a transparent glass slab of refractive index root 3. If the reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular, what is the angle of incidence?
A ray of light is incident on a transparent glass slab of refractive index root 3. If the reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular, what is the angle of incidence? A ray of light is incident on a transparent glass slab of refractive index root 3. If the reflected and refracted rays are mutually [...]
Find the speed of light in medium a if speed of light in medium b is c/3, where c = speed of light in vacuum and light refracts from medium a to medium b making 45 and 60, respectively, with the normal.
Find the speed of light in medium a if speed of light in medium b is c/3, where c = speed of light in vacuum and light refracts from medium a to medium b making 45 and 60, respectively, with the normal. Find the speed of light in medium a if speed of light in [...]
Determine the refractive index of glass with respect to water. Given that mu g = 3/2; mu w = 4/3.
Determine the refractive index of glass with respect to water. Given that mu g = 3/2; mu w = 4/3. Determine the refractive index of glass with respect to water. Given that mu g = 3/2; mu w = 4/3. September 8, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
Find the velocity of image in a situation as shown in the figure.
Find the velocity of image in a situation as shown in the figure. Find the velocity of image in a situation as shown in the figure. September 8, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,