Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A fish in an aquarium approaches the top surface of the water at a rate of 3 m/s observes a bird approaching it at 8 m/s. If the refractive index of water is (4/3), find the actual velocity of the bird.
A fish in an aquarium approaches the top surface of the water at a rate of 3 m/s observes a bird approaching it at 8 m/s. If the refractive index of water is (4/3), find the actual velocity of the bird. A fish in an aquarium approaches the top surface of the water at a [...]
Five equal forces of 10 N each are applied at one point and all are lying in one plane. If the angles between them are equal, the resultant of these forces will be :
Five equal forces of 10 N each are applied at one point and all are lying in one plane. If the angles between them are equal, the resultant of these forces will be : Five equal forces of 10 N each are applied at one point and all are lying in one plane. If the [...]
Consider the situation in figure. The bottom of the pot is a reflecting plane mirror, S is a small fish, and T is a human eye. Refractive index of water is mu. (a) At what distance(s) from itself will the fish see the image
Consider the situation in figure. The bottom of the pot is a reflecting plane mirror, S is a small fish, and T is a human eye. Refractive index of water is mu. (a) At what distance(s) from itself will the fish see the image and T is a human eye. Refractive index of water is [...]
A 200Ω resistor is connected in series with a 5 (μ)F capacitor. The voltage across the resistor is VR = ( 1.20 V)cos ( 2500 rads−1)t. (a) Derive an expression for the circuit current. (b) Determine the capactive reactance of the capacitor. (c ) derive an experssion for the voltage across the capacitor.
A 200Ω resistor is connected in series with a 5 (μ)F capacitor. The voltage across the resistor is VR = ( 1.20 V)cos ( 2500 rads−1)t. (a) Derive an expression for the circuit current. (b) Determine the capactive reactance of the capacitor. (c ) derive an experssion for the voltage across the capacitor. and the [...]
If N forces of equal magnitude F are acting on a body. If angle between adjacent forces is 2π\N, the resultant of the forces is
If N forces of equal magnitude F are acting on a body. If angle between adjacent forces is 2π\N, the resultant of the forces is If N forces of equal magnitude F are acting on a body. If angle between adjacent forces is 2π\N the resultant of the forces is September 8, 2020 Category: Cengage [...]
A particle is being acted upon by four forces of 30 N due east , 20 N due north , 50 N due west and 40 N due south. The resultant force will be
A particle is being acted upon by four forces of 30 N due east , 20 N due north , 50 N due west and 40 N due south. The resultant force will be 20 N due north 50 N due west and 40 N due south. The resultant force will be A particle is [...]
The sum of magnitudes of two forces acting at a point is 16 N. If the resultant force is 8 N and its direction is perpendicular to smaller force, then the forces are :
The sum of magnitudes of two forces acting at a point is 16 N. If the resultant force is 8 N and its direction is perpendicular to smaller force, then the forces are : The sum of magnitudes of two forces acting at a point is 16 N. If the resultant force is 8 N [...]
Forces of 1 and 2 units act along the lines x = 0 and y = 0. The equation of the line of action of the resultant is
Forces of 1 and 2 units act along the lines x = 0 and y = 0. The equation of the line of action of the resultant is Forces of 1 and 2 units act along the lines x = 0 and y = 0. The equation of the line of action of the resultant [...]
See figure and answer the following questions. (a) Find apparent height of the bird. (b) Find apparent depth of the fish. (c) At what distance will the bird appear to the fish? (d) At what distance will the fish appear to the bird?
See figure and answer the following questions. (a) Find apparent height of the bird. (b) Find apparent depth of the fish. (c) At what distance will the bird appear to the fish? (d) At what distance will the fish appear to the bird? A rectangular slab ABCD is immersed in water of refractive index n2 [...]
Let C = A + B
Let C = A + B Let C = A + B September 8, 2020 Category: Cengage NEET by C.P Singh , Chapter 3 - Vectors , Part 1 ,