Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
Which of the following vectors is /are perpendicular to the vector 4i – 3j ?
Which of the following vectors is /are perpendicular to the vector 4i – 3j ? Which of the following vectors is /are perpendicular to the vector 4i - 3j ? September 8, 2020 Category: Cengage NEET by C.P Singh , Chapter 3 - Vectors , Part 1 ,
A radio can be turned over a frequency range from 500 k Hz 1.5 M Hz. If its L-C circuit has an effective inductance of 400 (μ) H, what is the range of its variable capacitor.
A radio can be turned over a frequency range from 500 k Hz 1.5 M Hz. If its L-C circuit has an effective inductance of 400 (μ) H, what is the range of its variable capacitor. A radio can be turned over a frequency range from 500 k Hz 1.5 M Hz. If its L-C [...]
Due to a vertical temperature gradient in the atmosphere the index of refraction varies. Suppose index of refraction varies as n = n0 root 1 + ay where n0 is the index of refraction at the surface and a = 2.0 * 10^-6 m^-1
Due to a vertical temperature gradient in the atmosphere the index of refraction varies. Suppose index of refraction varies as n = n0 root 1 + ay where n0 is the index of refraction at the surface and a = 2.0 * 10^-6 m^-1 find the apparent depth of the object seen below surface AB. [...]
to the vector 4i − 4j + ak, then the value of a is
to the vector 4i − 4j + ak, then the value of a is then the value of a is to the vector 4i − 4j + ak September 8, 2020 Category: Cengage NEET by C.P Singh , Chapter 3 - Vectors , Part 1 ,
If for two vectors A and B, sum (A + B) is perpendicular to the difference (A – B). The ratio of their magnitude is
If for two vectors A and B, sum (A + B) is perpendicular to the difference (A – B). The ratio of their magnitude is If for two vectors A and B sum (A + B) is perpendicular to the difference (A - B). The ratio of their magnitude is September 8, 2020 Category: Cengage [...]
A glass slab is placed between an object (O) and an observer (E) with its refracting surfaces AB and CD perpendicular to the line OE.
A glass slab is placed between an object (O) and an observer (E) with its refracting surfaces AB and CD perpendicular to the line OE. A glass slab is placed between an object (O) and an observer (E) with its refracting surfaces AB and CD perpendicular to the line OE. September 8, 2020 Category: Uncategorised [...]
What is the angle between A and the resultant of ( A + B ) and (A – B)
What is the angle between A and the resultant of ( A + B ) and (A – B) What is the angle between A and the resultant of ( A + B ) and (A - B) September 8, 2020 Category: Cengage NEET by C.P Singh , Chapter 3 - Vectors , Part 1 [...]
A concave mirror of focal length 20 cm is placed inside water with its shining surface upwards and principal axis vertical as shown in figure. Rays are incident parallel to the principal axis of concave mirror.
A concave mirror of focal length 20 cm is placed inside water with its shining surface upwards and principal axis vertical as shown in figure. Rays are incident parallel to the principal axis of concave mirror. find the apparent depth of the object seen below surface AB. In figure September 8, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE [...]
A vessel having perfectly reflecting plane bottom is filled with water (mu = 4/3) to a depth d. A point source of light is placed at a height h above the surface of water. Find the distance of final image from water surface.
A vessel having perfectly reflecting plane bottom is filled with water (mu = 4/3) to a depth d. A point source of light is placed at a height h above the surface of water. Find the distance of final image from water surface. find the apparent depth of the object seen below surface AB. In [...]
An emf E=100 sin 314 t V is applied across a pure capacitor of 637μF. Find (a) the instantaneous current I (b) the instantaneous power P (c ) the frequency of power (d) the maximum energy stored in the capacitor.
An emf E=100 sin 314 t V is applied across a pure capacitor of 637μF. Find (a) the instantaneous current I (b) the instantaneous power P (c ) the frequency of power (d) the maximum energy stored in the capacitor. and the voltage amplitude across each circuit element. C= 0.50 (μ)F In an LR series [...]
and the voltage amplitude across each circuit element. ,
C= 0.50 (μ)F ,
In an LR series circuit ,
In the series curcuit of fig ,
L= 60 mH ,
R= 11 Ω ,
sinusoidal voltage V=V0 sin ωt is applied . It is given that L= 35 mH ,
source amplitude is E0=50Vandω=10000rads−1. Find the reactances XLandXC ,
suppose R= 300 Ω ,
the current amplitude I0 ,
the impedance Z ,
the phase angle ϕ ,
V rms =220 V ,