Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
In the follwing fig, a wire bent in the form of a regular polygon of n sides is inscribed in a circle of radius a. Net magnetic field at centre will be
In the follwing fig, a wire bent in the form of a regular polygon of n sides is inscribed in a circle of radius a. Net magnetic field at centre will be a wire bent in the form of a regular polygon of n sides is inscribed in a circle of radius a. Net magnetic [...]
A beam of light strikes a glass sphere of diameter 15 cm converging towards a point 30 cm behind the pole of the spherical surface. Find the position of the image if the refractive index of glass is 1.5.
A beam of light strikes a glass sphere of diameter 15 cm converging towards a point 30 cm behind the pole of the spherical surface. Find the position of the image if the refractive index of glass is 1.5. An empty spherical flask of diameter 15 cm is placed in water of refractive index 4/3. [...]
Two thick wires and two thin wires, all of the same materials and same length from a square in the three different ways P,Qand R as shown in figure with current connection shown, the magnetic field at the center of the square is zero in cases.
Two thick wires and two thin wires, all of the same materials and same length from a square in the three different ways P,Qand R as shown in figure with current connection shown, the magnetic field at the center of the square is zero in cases. all of the same materials and same length from [...]
Figure shows a solid glass sphere of radius 5 cm that has a small air bubble O trapped at a distance 2 cm from the centre C. The refractive index of the material of glass is 1.5.Find the apparent position of he bubble where it will appear,
Figure shows a solid glass sphere of radius 5 cm that has a small air bubble O trapped at a distance 2 cm from the centre C. The refractive index of the material of glass is 1.5.Find the apparent position of he bubble where it will appear, An empty spherical flask of diameter 15 cm [...]
Figure shows a square loop ABCD with edge length a. The resistance of the wire ABC is r and that of ADC is 2r. The value of magnetic field at the centre of the loop assuming uniform wire is
Figure shows a square loop ABCD with edge length a. The resistance of the wire ABC is r and that of ADC is 2r. The value of magnetic field at the centre of the loop assuming uniform wire is Figure shows a square loop ABCD with edge length a. The resistance of the wire ABC [...]
AB and CD are long straight conductor, distance d apart, carrying a current I. The magnetic field at the midpoint of BC is
AB and CD are long straight conductor, distance d apart, carrying a current I. The magnetic field at the midpoint of BC is AB and CD are long straight conductor carrying a current I. The magnetic field at the midpoint of BC is distance d apart September 9, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by [...]
What will be the resultant magnetic field at origin due to four infinte length wires, if each wire produces magnetic field “B” at origin
What will be the resultant magnetic field at origin due to four infinte length wires, if each wire produces magnetic field “B” at origin if each wire produces magnetic field "B" at origin What will be the resultant magnetic field at origin due to four infinte length wires September 9, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced [...]
Two straight long conductors AOB and COD are perpendicular to each other and carry currents i1 and i2. The magnetude of the magnetiuc induction at a point P at a distance a from the point O in a direction perpendicular to the plance ACBD is
Two straight long conductors AOB and COD are perpendicular to each other and carry currents i1 and i2. The magnetude of the magnetiuc induction at a point P at a distance a from the point O in a direction perpendicular to the plance ACBD is Two very thin metallic wires placed along X and Y [...]
Two paralell long wires carry currents i1 and i2 with i1 >i2. When the currents are in the same direction. the magnetic field midway between the wires is 10 muT. When the direction of i2 is reversed, it becomes 40 muT. the ratio i1/i2 is
Two paralell long wires carry currents i1 and i2 with i1 >i2. When the currents are in the same direction. the magnetic field midway between the wires is 10 muT. When the direction of i2 is reversed, it becomes 40 muT. the ratio i1/i2 is Two very thin metallic wires placed along X and Y [...]
A current i is flowing in a straight conductor of length L. The magnectic induction at a point distant L/4 from its centre will be
A current i is flowing in a straight conductor of length L. The magnectic induction at a point distant L/4 from its centre will be A current i is flowing in a straight conductor of length L. The magnectic induction at a point distant L/4 from its centre will be September 9, 2020 Category: Uncategorised [...]