Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
Find the optical power and focal lengths of a bi-convex lens of radius of curvature R1 = 20 cm, R2 = 30 cm. Assume that the refractive index of the lens is mu = 3/2 and the refractive index of the media at both sides are
Find the optical power and focal lengths of a bi-convex lens of radius of curvature R1 = 20 cm, R2 = 30 cm. Assume that the refractive index of the lens is mu = 3/2 and the refractive index of the media at both sides are Find the optical power and focal lengths of a [...]
A thin equiconvex lens made of glass of refractive index 3/2 and a focal length 0.3 m in air is sealed into an opening at one end of a tank filled with water (mu = 3/2). On the opposite side of the lens, a mirror is placed inside the tank on the
A thin equiconvex lens made of glass of refractive index 3/2 and a focal length 0.3 m in air is sealed into an opening at one end of a tank filled with water (mu = 3/2). On the opposite side of the lens, a mirror is placed inside the tank on the (b) and (c). [...]
A biconvex lens separates two media of refractive indices 1.3 and 1.7. The refractive index of the lens is 1.5 and the radii of curvature of the two sides of the lens are r1 = 10 cm and r2 = 60 cm. The medium of refractive index 1.3 extends to 78
A biconvex lens separates two media of refractive indices 1.3 and 1.7. The refractive index of the lens is 1.5 and the radii of curvature of the two sides of the lens are r1 = 10 cm and r2 = 60 cm. The medium of refractive index 1.3 extends to 78 (b) and (c). Draw [...]
Object O is kept in air in front of a thin plano convex lens of radius of curvature 10 cm. Its refractive index is 3/2 and the medium toward right of plane surface is water of refractive index 4/3.
Object O is kept in air in front of a thin plano convex lens of radius of curvature 10 cm. Its refractive index is 3/2 and the medium toward right of plane surface is water of refractive index 4/3. Object O is kept in air in front of a thin plano convex lens of radius [...]
The diagram shows an equiconvex lens. What should be the condition on the refractive indices so that the lens becomes diverging?
The diagram shows an equiconvex lens. What should be the condition on the refractive indices so that the lens becomes diverging? The diagram shows an equiconvex lens. What should be the condition on the refractive indices so that the lens becomes diverging? September 9, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP [...]
The current-carrying wire loop in Fig (a) lies all in one plane and consists of a semicle of radius 10.0 cm, a smaller semicicle is rotated out of that plkane by angle θ until it is perpendicular to the plane [Fig.(b)]. Figure (c) gives the magnitude of the net magnetic field at the center of curvature versus angle θ . what os the radius of the smaller semicircle ?
The current-carrying wire loop in Fig (a) lies all in one plane and consists of a semicle of radius 10.0 cm, a smaller semicicle is rotated out of that plkane by angle θ until it is perpendicular to the plane [Fig.(b)]. Figure (c) gives the magnitude of the net magnetic field at the center of [...]
Figure (a) shows two wires, each carrying a current. Wire 1 consists of a circular are of radius R and two radial lengthsit carries current it=20A in the direction indicated. Wire 2 is long and straigth it carries a current i2 that can be varried and it is at distance R/2 from the centre of the are. The net magnetic field B→ due to the current is measured at the center of curvature of the are Figure (b) is a plot of the component of B→ in the direction prependicular to the figure as a function of current i2 What is the angle subtended by the arc ?
Figure (a) shows two wires, each carrying a current. Wire 1 consists of a circular are of radius R and two radial lengthsit carries current it=20A in the direction indicated. Wire 2 is long and straigth it carries a current i2 that can be varried and it is at distance R/2 from the centre of [...]
in figure, what is the magnetic field at the point O?
in figure, what is the magnetic field at the point O? In figure what is the magnetic field at the point O? September 9, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
A part of long wire carrying a current i is bent into a circle of radius r as shown in the fig. The net magnetic field at the centre O of the circular loop is
A part of long wire carrying a current i is bent into a circle of radius r as shown in the fig. The net magnetic field at the centre O of the circular loop is A part of long wire carrying a current i is bent into a circle of radius r as shown in [...]
An image I is formed of a point object O by a lens whose optic axis is XY as shown in cases (a), (b) and (c). Draw a ray diagram to locate the lens and its focus. What type of lens is it?
An image I is formed of a point object O by a lens whose optic axis is XY as shown in cases (a), (b) and (c). Draw a ray diagram to locate the lens and its focus. What type of lens is it? (b) and (c). Draw a ray diagram to locate the lens and [...]