Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
L is a lens such that a parallel beam of light incident on it. after refraction, converges to a point at a distance x from it and M is a mirror such that a parallel beam of light incident on it, after reflection, converges to a point at a distance y
L is a lens such that a parallel beam of light incident on it. after refraction, converges to a point at a distance x from it and M is a mirror such that a parallel beam of light incident on it, after reflection, converges to a point at a distance y after reflection converges to [...]
A converging lens and a converging mirror are placed with their principal axis coinciding. Their separation equals 40 cm. A point source S is placed on the principal axis at a distance of 12 cm from the lens
A converging lens and a converging mirror are placed with their principal axis coinciding. Their separation equals 40 cm. A point source S is placed on the principal axis at a distance of 12 cm from the lens Find the optical power and focal lengths of a bi-convex lens of radius of curvature R1 = [...]
Consider a car moving on a straight road with a speed of 100 m/s. The distance at which the car car be stopped is
Consider a car moving on a straight road with a speed of 100 m/s. The distance at which the car car be stopped is Consider a car moving on a straight road with a speed of 100 m/s. The distance at which the car car be stopped is September 9, 2020 Category: Cengage NEET by [...]
In figure the length of object AB is 9 cm. Find the nature and position of the final image and also its length. Assume that each lens is a thin lens.
In figure the length of object AB is 9 cm. Find the nature and position of the final image and also its length. Assume that each lens is a thin lens. In figure the length of object AB is 9 cm. Find the nature and position of the final image and also its length. Assume [...]
An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm to the left on the axis of convex lens A of focal length 20 cm. A second convex lens of focal length 10 cm is placed coaxially to the right of the lens
An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm to the left on the axis of convex lens A of focal length 20 cm. A second convex lens of focal length 10 cm is placed coaxially to the right of the lens An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm to the [...]
The magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of radius r is π time that due to a long straight wire at a distance r from it for equal currents. The following figure show three cases. In all cases the circular part has radius r and straight ones are infinitely long. For same current, the B field at the centre P in cases 1, 2, 3, has the ratio
The magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of radius r is π time that due to a long straight wire at a distance r from it for equal currents. The following figure show three cases. In all cases the circular part has radius r and straight ones are infinitely long. For same [...]
The field normal to the plane of a wire of n turns and radis r which carriers i is measured on the axis of the coil at a small distance h from the centre of the coil. This is smaller than the field at the centre by the fraction.
The field normal to the plane of a wire of n turns and radis r which carriers i is measured on the axis of the coil at a small distance h from the centre of the coil. This is smaller than the field at the centre by the fraction. Find the magnetic field at o. [...]
Two circular coils X and Y, having equal number of turns and carrying currents in the same sense, subtend same solid angle at point O. If the smaller coil X is midway between O and Y and if we represent the magnetic induction due to bigger coil Y at O as By and the due to smaller coil X at O as Bx,then find the ratio
Two circular coils X and Y, having equal number of turns and carrying currents in the same sense, subtend same solid angle at point O. If the smaller coil X is midway between O and Y and if we represent the magnetic induction due to bigger coil Y at O as By and the due [...]
having equal number of turns and carrying currents in the same sense ,
subtend same solid angle at point O. If the smaller coil X is midway between O and Y and if we represent the magnetic induction due to bigger coil Y at O as By and the due to smaller coil X at O as Bx ,
then find the ratio ,
Two circular coils X and Y ,
A circular current carrying coil has a radius R. The distance from the centre of the coil on the axis where the magnetic induction will be 1/8th to its value at the centre of the coil is
A circular current carrying coil has a radius R. The distance from the centre of the coil on the axis where the magnetic induction will be 1/8th to its value at the centre of the coil is A circular current carrying coil has a radius R. The distance from the centre of the coil on [...]
A circular coil is in y−z plane with centre at origin. The coil is carrying a constant current. Assuming direction of magnetic field at x=–25cm to be positive direction of magnetic field, which of the following graphs shows variation of magnetic field along x-axis
A circular coil is in y−z plane with centre at origin. The coil is carrying a constant current. Assuming direction of magnetic field at x=–25cm to be positive direction of magnetic field, which of the following graphs shows variation of magnetic field along x-axis A circular coil is in y−z plane with centre at origin. [...]