Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
Two point sources are placed on a straight line separated by a distance d = 2 lemda. Both the sources are placed at a distance L from a wall which is perpendicular to the straight lline. Both the sources are sending
Two point sources are placed on a straight line separated by a distance d = 2 lemda. Both the sources are placed at a distance L from a wall which is perpendicular to the straight lline. Both the sources are sending Determine the resultant of two waves given by y1 = 4sin (200πt) and y2 [...]
Two sources are placed on x-axis at a separation d = 3 lemda. An observer starts moving from A on a circular track of radius R (R >>d). How many bright points and dark points will he
Two sources are placed on x-axis at a separation d = 3 lemda. An observer starts moving from A on a circular track of radius R (R >>d). How many bright points and dark points will he Two sources are placed on x-axis at a separation d = 3 lemda. An observer starts moving from [...]
Two coherent point sources S1 and S2 vibrating in phase emit light of wavelength lemda. The separation between the sources is 2 lemda. Consider a line passing through S2 and perpendicular to line S1S2. Find the
Two coherent point sources S1 and S2 vibrating in phase emit light of wavelength lemda. The separation between the sources is 2 lemda. Consider a line passing through S2 and perpendicular to line S1S2. Find the Determine the resultant of two waves given by y1 = 4sin (200πt) and y2 = 3sin(200πt+π/2). September 9, 2020 [...]
Two sources S1 and S2 emitting light of wavelength 600 nm are placed at a distance 1.0 * 10^-2 cm apart. A detector can be moved on line S1P which is perpendicular to S1S2.
Two sources S1 and S2 emitting light of wavelength 600 nm are placed at a distance 1.0 * 10^-2 cm apart. A detector can be moved on line S1P which is perpendicular to S1S2. Two sources S1 and S2 emitting light of wavelength 600 nm are placed at a distance 1.0 * 10^-2 cm apart. [...]
All the graphs below are intended to represent the same motion. One of them does it incorrectly. Pick it up.
All the graphs below are intended to represent the same motion. One of them does it incorrectly. Pick it up. All the graphs below are intended to represent the same motion. One of them does it incorrectly. Pick it up. September 9, 2020 Category: Chapter 2 - Kinematics , JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video [...]
A passenger train of length 60 m travels at a speed of 80 km/hr. Another freight train of length 120 m travels at a speed of 30 km/hr. The ratio of times taken by the passenger train to completely cross the freight train when: (1)they are moving in the same direction, and (ii) in the opposite directions is
A passenger train of length 60 m travels at a speed of 80 km/hr. Another freight train of length 120 m travels at a speed of 30 km/hr. The ratio of times taken by the passenger train to completely cross the freight train when: (1)they are moving in the same direction, and (ii) in the [...]
The current i in an induction coil varies with time according to the graph shown in figure. Which of the following graph shows induced emf in the coil with time:
The current i in an induction coil varies with time according to the graph shown in figure. Which of the following graph shows induced emf in the coil with time: The current i in an induction coil varies with time according to the graph shown in figure. Which of the following graph shows induced emf [...]
An isosceles rigid triangle ABC of side 6 m ,5 m, and 5 m is lying in a uniform magnetic field BV = 1T, directed perpendicular to plane as shown in fig.
An isosceles rigid triangle ABC of side 6 m ,5 m, and 5 m is lying in a uniform magnetic field BV = 1T, directed perpendicular to plane as shown in fig. 5 m An isosceles rigid triangle ABC of side 6 m and 5 m is lying in a uniform magnetic field BV = [...]
Determine the resultant of two waves given by y1 = 4sin (200πt) and y2 = 3sin(200πt+π/2).
Determine the resultant of two waves given by y1 = 4sin (200πt) and y2 = 3sin(200πt+π/2). Determine the resultant of two waves given by y1 = 4sin (200πt) and y2 = 3sin(200πt+π/2). September 9, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
A particle is moving with speed v = b root x along positive x-axis. Calculate the speed of the particle at time t = τ (assume that the particle is at origin at t = 0)
A particle is moving with speed v = b root x along positive x-axis. Calculate the speed of the particle at time t = τ (assume that the particle is at origin at t = 0) A particle is moving with speed v = b root x along positive x-axis. Calculate the speed of the [...]