Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A car starting from rest accelerates at the rate f through a distance s, then continues at constant speed for time t and then decelerates at the rate f/2 to come to rest. If the total distance traversed is 15 s, then
A car starting from rest accelerates at the rate f through a distance s, then continues at constant speed for time t and then decelerates at the rate f/2 to come to rest. If the total distance traversed is 15 s, then A car starting from rest accelerates at the rate f through a distance [...]
Consider a rubber ball freely falling from a height h = 4.9 m onto a horizontal elastic plate. Assume that the duration of collision is negligible and the collision with the plate is totally elastic. Then the velocity as a function of time and the height as a function of time will be :
Consider a rubber ball freely falling from a height h = 4.9 m onto a horizontal elastic plate. Assume that the duration of collision is negligible and the collision with the plate is totally elastic. Then the velocity as a function of time and the height as a function of time will be : All [...]
From a tower of height H, a particle is thrown vertically upwards with a speed u. The time taken by the particle, to hit the ground, is n times that taken by it to reach the highest point of its path. The relation between H, u and n is:
From a tower of height H, a particle is thrown vertically upwards with a speed u. The time taken by the particle, to hit the ground, is n times that taken by it to reach the highest point of its path. The relation between H, u and n is: a particle is thrown vertically upwards [...]
A glass lens is coated on one side with a thin film of magnesium fluoride (MgF2) to reduce reflection from the lens surface (see figure). The index of refraction of MgF2 is 1.38; that of the glass is 1.50.
A glass lens is coated on one side with a thin film of magnesium fluoride (MgF2) to reduce reflection from the lens surface (see figure). The index of refraction of MgF2 is 1.38; that of the glass is 1.50. (a) In illustration 3.10 how many dark rings will be observed on the wall? (b) What [...]
White light with a uniform intensity across the visible wavelength range 430-690 nm, is perpendicularly incident on a water film of index of refraction mu = 1.33 and thickness d = 320 nm, that is suspended
White light with a uniform intensity across the visible wavelength range 430-690 nm, is perpendicularly incident on a water film of index of refraction mu = 1.33 and thickness d = 320 nm, that is suspended is perpendicularly incident on a water film of index of refraction mu = 1.33 and thickness d = 320 [...]
Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 240 m high with initial speed of 10 m/s and 40 m/s respectively. Which of the following graph best represents the time variation of relative position of the second stone with respect to the first? (Assume stones do not rebound after hitting the ground and neglect air resistance, take g = 10 m/s^2
Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the edge of a cliff 240 m high with initial speed of 10 m/s and 40 m/s respectively. Which of the following graph best represents the time variation of relative position of the second stone with respect to the first? (Assume stones do not rebound after hitting the [...]
Two parallel beams of light P and Q are incident normally on a prism and the transmitted rays are brought to focus with the help of a convergent lens as shown in figure. If the intensities of the upper and lower beams
Two parallel beams of light P and Q are incident normally on a prism and the transmitted rays are brought to focus with the help of a convergent lens as shown in figure. If the intensities of the upper and lower beams (a) In illustration 3.10 how many dark rings will be observed on the [...]
A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is cut along its diameter and the two halves are displaced by t = 1 cm along the principal axis. A monochromatic point source of wavelength 476 nm
A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is cut along its diameter and the two halves are displaced by t = 1 cm along the principal axis. A monochromatic point source of wavelength 476 nm A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is cut along its diameter and the two halves are displaced [...]
Two monochromatic coherent sources of wavelength 5000A are placed along the line normal to the screen. Determine the : (a) condition of maxima at P (given theta is small),
Two monochromatic coherent sources of wavelength 5000A are placed along the line normal to the screen. Determine the : (a) condition of maxima at P (given theta is small), Two monochromatic coherent sources of wavelength 5000A are placed along the line normal to the screen. Determine the : (a) condition of maxima at P (given [...]
(a) In illustration 3.10 how many dark rings will be observed on the wall? (b) What is the path difference at point P?
(a) In illustration 3.10 how many dark rings will be observed on the wall? (b) What is the path difference at point P? (a) In illustration 3.10 how many dark rings will be observed on the wall? (b) What is the path difference at point P? September 9, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by [...]