Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
The magnetic field within cylindrical region whose cross – section is indicated starts increasing at a constant rate α tesla/sec . The graph showing the variation of induced field with distance r from the axis of cylinder is
The magnetic field within cylindrical region whose cross – section is indicated starts increasing at a constant rate α tesla/sec . The graph showing the variation of induced field with distance r from the axis of cylinder is A straight wire of length L is bent into a semicircle. It is moved in a uniform [...]
Shows a smooth pair of thick metallic rails connected across a battery of emf ε having a negligible internal resistance. A wire ab of length l and resistance r can slide smoothly on the rails. The entire system lien in a horizontal plane and is immersed in a uniform vertical magnetic field B. At an instant t, the wire is given a small velocity v towards right. (a) find the current in it at this instant. What is the direction of the current?
Shows a smooth pair of thick metallic rails connected across a battery of emf ε having a negligible internal resistance. A wire ab of length l and resistance r can slide smoothly on the rails. The entire system lien in a horizontal plane and is immersed in a uniform vertical magnetic field B. At an [...]
If displacement x of a particle moving in straight line is given by x = {t}^{3} – 12t where t is time in sec and x in metre . find the acceleration of the particle, when velocity of the particle is 0
If displacement x of a particle moving in straight line is given by x = {t}^{3} – 12t where t is time in sec and x in metre . find the acceleration of the particle, when velocity of the particle is 0 If displacement x of a particle moving in straight line is given by [...]
Consider the situation shown in . The wire PQ has mass m, resistance r and can slide on the smooth, horizontal parallel rails separted by a distance l. The resistance of the rails is negligible. A uniform magnetic field B exists in the rectangualr region and a resistance R connects the rails outsided the field region At t= 0, the wire PQ is puched towards right with a speed v0. find (a) the current in the loop at an instant when the speed of the wire PQ is v,
Consider the situation shown in . The wire PQ has mass m, resistance r and can slide on the smooth, horizontal parallel rails separted by a distance l. The resistance of the rails is negligible. A uniform magnetic field B exists in the rectangualr region and a resistance R connects the rails outsided the field [...]
A straight wire of length L is bent into a semicircle. It is moved in a uniform magnetic field with speed v with diameter perpendicular to the field. The induced emf between the ends of the wire is ,
Consider the situation shown in . The wire PQ has mass m ,
resistance r and can slide on the smooth ,
A narrow monochromatic beam of light of intensity I is incident on a glass plate as shown in figure. Another identical glass plate is kept close to the first one and parallel to it. Each glass plate reflects
A narrow monochromatic beam of light of intensity I is incident on a glass plate as shown in figure. Another identical glass plate is kept close to the first one and parallel to it. Each glass plate reflects A Lloyd's mirror of length 5 cm is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength lemda = (6000 [...]
Two cars A and B are moving with same speed of 45km/hr along same direction. If a third car C coming from opposite direction with a speed of 36km hr meets two cars in an interval of 5 minutes, the distance of separation of two cars A and B should be (in km)
Two cars A and B are moving with same speed of 45km/hr along same direction. If a third car C coming from opposite direction with a speed of 36km hr meets two cars in an interval of 5 minutes, the distance of separation of two cars A and B should be (in km) the distance [...]
In a modified Young’s double-slit experiment, a monochromatic uniform and parallel beam of light of wavelength 6000 A and intensity (10/pie) W m^-2 is incident normally on two circular apertures
In a modified Young’s double-slit experiment, a monochromatic uniform and parallel beam of light of wavelength 6000 A and intensity (10/pie) W m^-2 is incident normally on two circular apertures a monochromatic uniform and parallel beam of light of wavelength 6000 A and intensity (10/pie) W m^-2 is incident normally on two circular apertures In [...]
A source of light of wavelength lemda = 5000 A is kept infront of a screen as shown in the figure. Taking the interference of the direct waves and reflected waves at C and D of the mirror, find (a) the region where the fringe will be visible
A source of light of wavelength lemda = 5000 A is kept infront of a screen as shown in the figure. Taking the interference of the direct waves and reflected waves at C and D of the mirror, find (a) the region where the fringe will be visible A source of light of wavelength lemda [...]
A ball A is thrown vertically upwards with speed u. At the same instant another ball B is released from rest at height h. At time t, the speed of A relative to B is
A ball A is thrown vertically upwards with speed u. At the same instant another ball B is released from rest at height h. At time t, the speed of A relative to B is A ball A is thrown vertically upwards with speed u. At the same instant another ball B is released from [...]
A Lloyd’s mirror of length 5 cm is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength lemda = (6000 A) from a narrow 1 mm slit in its plane and 5 cm plane from its near edge. Find the fringe
A Lloyd’s mirror of length 5 cm is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength lemda = (6000 A) from a narrow 1 mm slit in its plane and 5 cm plane from its near edge. Find the fringe A Lloyd's mirror of length 5 cm is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength lemda = (6000 [...]