Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
The following figure gives the movement of an object, select the correct statement from the given choices.
The following figure gives the movement of an object, select the correct statement from the given choices. select the correct statement from the given choices. The following figure gives the movement of an object September 10, 2020 Category: Chapter 3 - Motion in One Dimension , MTG NEET Physics , Part 1 ,
Will photoelectrons be emitted from a copper surface, of work function 4.4 eV, when illuminated by a visible light?
Will photoelectrons be emitted from a copper surface, of work function 4.4 eV, when illuminated by a visible light? of work function 4.4 eV when illuminated by a visible light? Will photoelectrons be emitted from a copper surface September 10, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
A toy truck has dimensions as shown in figure and its width, normal to the plane of this paper, is d. The sun rays are incident on it as shown in the figure. If intensity of rays is l and all surfaces of truck are
A toy truck has dimensions as shown in figure and its width, normal to the plane of this paper, is d. The sun rays are incident on it as shown in the figure. If intensity of rays is l and all surfaces of truck are A toy truck has dimensions as shown in figure and [...]
In the path of a uniform light beam of large cross-sectional area and intensity I, a solid sphere of radius R which is perfectly reflecting is placed. Find the force exerted on this sphere due
In the path of a uniform light beam of large cross-sectional area and intensity I, a solid sphere of radius R which is perfectly reflecting is placed. Find the force exerted on this sphere due a solid sphere of radius R which is perfectly reflecting is placed. Find the force exerted on this sphere due [...]
A point source of light is placed at the centre of curvature of a hemispherical surface. The radius of curvature is r and the inner surface is completely reflecting. Find the force on the A point source of light is placed at the centre of curvature of a hemispherical surface. The radius of curvature is r and the inner surface is completely reflecting. Find the force on the
A point source of light is placed at the centre of curvature of a hemispherical surface. The radius of curvature is r and the inner surface is completely reflecting. Find the force on the A point source of light is placed at the centre of curvature of a hemispherical surface. The radius of curvature is [...]
An isotropic point source having radiation power P is located on the axis of an ideal mirror plate. The distance between the source and the plate exceeds the radius of the plate n-ford.
An isotropic point source having radiation power P is located on the axis of an ideal mirror plate. The distance between the source and the plate exceeds the radius of the plate n-ford. An isotropic point source having radiation power P is located on the axis of an ideal mirror plate. The distance between the [...]
Figure shows a small, plane strip of mass m suspended from a fixed support through a string. A continuous beam of monochromatic light is incident horizontally on the strip and is completely absorbed.
Figure shows a small, plane strip of mass m suspended from a fixed support through a string. A continuous beam of monochromatic light is incident horizontally on the strip and is completely absorbed. Figure shows a small plane strip of mass m suspended from a fixed support through a string. A continuous beam of monochromatic [...]
A plane light wave of intensity I falls on a plane mirror surface with reflection coefficient rho. The angle of incidence is theta. In terms of corpuscular theory, find the magnitude of the normal pressure
A plane light wave of intensity I falls on a plane mirror surface with reflection coefficient rho. The angle of incidence is theta. In terms of corpuscular theory, find the magnitude of the normal pressure A plane light wave of intensity I falls on a plane mirror surface with reflection coefficient rho. The angle of [...]
A source of light of power P is shown in figure. Find the force on the block placed in the path of the light rays. The surface of body on which the light beam is incident is having a reflection coefficient
A source of light of power P is shown in figure. Find the force on the block placed in the path of the light rays. The surface of body on which the light beam is incident is having a reflection coefficient Calculate the number of photons emitted in 10 h by a 60 W sodium [...]
(a) How many photons of a radiation of wavelength lemda = 5 * 10^-7 m must fall per second on a blackened plate in order to produce a force of 6.62 * 10^-5 N? (b) At what rate will the temperature
(a) How many photons of a radiation of wavelength lemda = 5 * 10^-7 m must fall per second on a blackened plate in order to produce a force of 6.62 * 10^-5 N? (b) At what rate will the temperature (a) How many photons of a radiation of wavelength lemda = 5 * 10^-7 [...]