Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A ball is dropped from the top of a tower with a height of 100m and at the same time, another ball is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 25m/s. What is the distance from the top of the tower at which the two balls meet?
A ball is dropped from the top of a tower with a height of 100m and at the same time, another ball is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of 25m/s. What is the distance from the top of the tower at which the two balls meet? A ball is dropped from [...]
The bus moving with a speed 42km/h is brought to a stop by brakes after 6m. If the same bus is moving at a speed of 90km/h, then the minimum stopping distance is.
The bus moving with a speed 42km/h is brought to a stop by brakes after 6m. If the same bus is moving at a speed of 90km/h, then the minimum stopping distance is. The bus moving with a speed 42km/h is brought to a stop by brakes after 6m. If the same bus is moving [...]
A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 A, 4972 A, and 6216 A with a total intensity of 3.6 * 10^-3 Wm^-2 equally distributed among the three wavelengths. The beams fall normally on an area
A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 A, 4972 A, and 6216 A with a total intensity of 3.6 * 10^-3 Wm^-2 equally distributed among the three wavelengths. The beams fall normally on an area 4972 A A beam of light has three wavelengths 4144 A and 6216 A with a total intensity of [...]
The time required to stop a car of mass 800 kg moving at a speed of 20 ms^−1 over a distance of 25 m is
The time required to stop a car of mass 800 kg moving at a speed of 20 ms^−1 over a distance of 25 m is The time required to stop a car of mass 800 kg moving at a speed of 20 ms^−1 over a distance of 25 m is September 10, 2020 Category: Chapter [...]
When a surface is irradiated with light of wavelength 4950 A, a photocurrent appears which vanishes if a retarding potential greater than 0.6 V is applied across the photo tube. When a different source of light
When a surface is irradiated with light of wavelength 4950 A, a photocurrent appears which vanishes if a retarding potential greater than 0.6 V is applied across the photo tube. When a different source of light a photocurrent appears which vanishes if a retarding potential greater than 0.6 V is applied across the photo tube. [...]
A ball dropped from a point A falls down vertically to C, through the mid-point B. The descending time from A to B and that from A to C are in the ratio
A ball dropped from a point A falls down vertically to C, through the mid-point B. The descending time from A to B and that from A to C are in the ratio A ball dropped from a point A falls down vertically to C through the mid-point B. The descending time from A to [...]
Photoelectric threshold of silver is lemda = 3800 A. Ultraviolet light of lemda = 2600 A is incident on a silver surface. Calculate: (a) the value of work function in joule and in eV?
Photoelectric threshold of silver is lemda = 3800 A. Ultraviolet light of lemda = 2600 A is incident on a silver surface. Calculate: (a) the value of work function in joule and in eV? Photoelectric threshold of silver is lemda = 3800 A. Ultraviolet light of lemda = 2600 A is incident on a silver [...]
From a balloon moving upwards with a velocity of 12 ms^−1, a packet is released when it is at a height of 65 m from the ground. The time taken by it to reach the ground is (take, g=10 ms^−2)
From a balloon moving upwards with a velocity of 12 ms^−1, a packet is released when it is at a height of 65 m from the ground. The time taken by it to reach the ground is (take, g=10 ms^−2) a packet is released when it is at a height of 65 m from the [...]
The stopping potential for photoelectrons emitted from a surface illuminated by light of wavelengths 5893 A is 0.36 V. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of photoelctrons, the work function
The stopping potential for photoelectrons emitted from a surface illuminated by light of wavelengths 5893 A is 0.36 V. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of photoelctrons, the work function The stopping potential for photoelectrons emitted from a surface illuminated by light of wavelengths 5893 A is 0.36 V. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of photoelctrons [...]
Calculate the velocity of a photoelctron if the work function of the target material is 1.25 eV and the wavelength of incident light is 4.36 * 10^-7 m. What retarding potential is necessary to stop the
Calculate the velocity of a photoelctron if the work function of the target material is 1.25 eV and the wavelength of incident light is 4.36 * 10^-7 m. What retarding potential is necessary to stop the A small piece of cesium metal (phi = 1.9 eV) is kept at a distance of 17.7 cm from [...]