Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
Consider the four circuited shown in the figure, each consisting of a battry, a switch, a light bulb a resistor, and eutger a capacitory or an iductor. Assume the capacitor has a large capacitorand the inductor has a large inductance but no resitance. The light bulb has high efficiency. glowing whenever it carries electric current. (i) Describe what the light bulb does in each of each of curcuits (a) through (d) after the switch is thrown closed. (ii) Describe what the light bulb does in each of circuits (a) through (d) when, having been closed for a long time interval, the switch is opened.
Consider the four circuited shown in the figure, each consisting of a battry, a switch, a light bulb a resistor, and eutger a capacitory or an iductor. Assume the capacitor has a large capacitorand the inductor has a large inductance but no resitance. The light bulb has high efficiency. glowing whenever it carries electric current. [...]
A technician wraps wire around a tube of length 4 π2 cm having a diameter of 8.00 cm. When the windings are evenly spread over the full length of the tube, the result is a solenoid containing 1000turns of wire. If the current in this solenoid increases at the rate of 4.00 A/s. the inductance of this solenoid is
A technician wraps wire around a tube of length 4 π2 cm having a diameter of 8.00 cm. When the windings are evenly spread over the full length of the tube, the result is a solenoid containing 1000turns of wire. If the current in this solenoid increases at the rate of 4.00 A/s. the inductance [...]
A technician wraps wire around a tube of length 4 π2 cm having a diameter of 8.00 cm. When the windings are evenly spread over the full length of the tube ,
the result is a solenoid containing 1000turns of wire. If the current in this solenoid increases at the rate of 4.00 A/s. the inductance of this solenoid is ,
The rate at which currents must change through the solenoid is
The rate at which currents must change through the solenoid is The rate at which currents must change through the solenoid is September 10, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
The current in a 90 mH inductor changes with time as i = 1 t^2 – 6 t, where i is amperes and t is in seconds.
The current in a 90 mH inductor changes with time as i = 1 t^2 – 6 t, where i is amperes and t is in seconds. The current in a 90 mH inductor changes with time as i = 1 t^2 - 6 t where i is amperes and t is in seconds. September [...]
Two single turn circular loops of wire have radii R and r. with R>>r. The loops lie in the same plane and are concentric. The mutual inductance of the pair is
Two single turn circular loops of wire have radii R and r. with R>>r. The loops lie in the same plane and are concentric. The mutual inductance of the pair is Two single turn circular loops of wire have radii R and r. with R>>r. The loops lie in the same plane and are concentric. [...]
A particle is moving such that its position coordinates (x,y) are (2m,3m) at time t=0, (6m,7m) at time t=2 s and (13m,14m) at time t=5 s. Average velocity vector (V av) from t=0 to t=5 s is:
A particle is moving such that its position coordinates (x,y) are (2m,3m) at time t=0, (6m,7m) at time t=2 s and (13m,14m) at time t=5 s. Average velocity vector (V av) from t=0 to t=5 s is: (6m 14m) at time t=5 s. Average velocity vector (V av) from t=0 to t=5 s is: 3m) [...]
A cubical room is formed with 6 plane mirrors. An insect moves along a diagonal of the floor with uniform speed. The velocity of its image relative to the mirror in two adjacent walls are 20 root 2 cm/s. Then the velocity of image formed by the roof is
A cubical room is formed with 6 plane mirrors. An insect moves along a diagonal of the floor with uniform speed. The velocity of its image relative to the mirror in two adjacent walls are 20 root 2 cm/s. Then the velocity of image formed by the roof is A block is moving down a [...]
The current in a 4 mH inductor varies in time as shown in the figure. The corresponding graph of the self induced emf across the inductor over the time interval t = 0 to t = 12 ms is
The current in a 4 mH inductor varies in time as shown in the figure. The corresponding graph of the self induced emf across the inductor over the time interval t = 0 to t = 12 ms is The current in a 4 mH inductor varies in time as shown in the figure. The [...]
Two coils, held in fixed positions have a mutual inductance of 100μH. what is the peak emf in one coil when the current I is in amperes and t is in seconds?
Two coils, held in fixed positions have a mutual inductance of 100μH. what is the peak emf in one coil when the current I is in amperes and t is in seconds? held in fixed positions have a mutual inductance of 100μH. what is the peak emf in one coil when the current I is [...]
A body is travelling to east with a speed of 9m/s and with an acceleration of 2m/s^2 acting towards west on it. The displacement of the body during the 5th second of its motion is
A body is travelling to east with a speed of 9m/s and with an acceleration of 2m/s^2 acting towards west on it. The displacement of the body during the 5th second of its motion is A body is travelling to east with a speed of 9m/s and with an acceleration of 2m/s^2 acting towards west [...]