Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A block at rest slides down a smooth inclined plane which makes and angle 60 degree with the vertical and it reaches the ground in t1 seconds. Another block is dropped vertically from the same point and reaches the ground in t2 seconds. What is the ratio of t1 : t2 ?
A block at rest slides down a smooth inclined plane which makes and angle 60 degree with the vertical and it reaches the ground in t1 seconds. Another block is dropped vertically from the same point and reaches the ground in t2 seconds. What is the ratio of t1 : t2 ? A projectile has [...]
Determine the minimum wavelength of a photon that can cause ionoization of He^+ ion.
Determine the minimum wavelength of a photon that can cause ionoization of He^+ ion. Determine the minimum wavelength of a photon that can cause ionoization of He^+ ion. September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
Suppose potential energy between electron and proton at separation r is given by U = k log r, where k is a constant. For such a hypothetical hydrogen atom, calculate the radius of nth Bohr’s
Suppose potential energy between electron and proton at separation r is given by U = k log r, where k is a constant. For such a hypothetical hydrogen atom, calculate the radius of nth Bohr’s calculate the radius of nth Bohr's Suppose potential energy between electron and proton at separation r is given by U [...]
If the ac source G is of 100 V rating at resonant frequency of the circuit, then average power supplied by the source is
If the ac source G is of 100 V rating at resonant frequency of the circuit, then average power supplied by the source is If the ac source G is of 100 V rating at resonant frequency of the circuit then average power supplied by the source is September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced [...]
Consider energy level diagram of a hydrogen atom. How will the kinetic energy and potential energy of electron vary if the electron moves from a lower level to a higher level?
Consider energy level diagram of a hydrogen atom. How will the kinetic energy and potential energy of electron vary if the electron moves from a lower level to a higher level? Consider energy level diagram of a hydrogen atom. How will the kinetic energy and potential energy of electron vary if the electron moves from [...]
To increase resonant frequency of the circuit, some of the changes in the circuit are carried out. Which changes would certainly result in the increase in resonant frequency?
To increase resonant frequency of the circuit, some of the changes in the circuit are carried out. Which changes would certainly result in the increase in resonant frequency? some of the changes in the circuit are carried out. Which changes would certainly result in the increase in resonant frequency? To increase resonant frequency of the [...]
A toy car of mass 2 kg is moving towards -ve y axis with the velocity of 5 m/s. It takes a turn towards x axis with a velocity of 0.4 m/s. how much is the change in the linear momentum of the car due to the turn ?
A toy car of mass 2 kg is moving towards -ve y axis with the velocity of 5 m/s. It takes a turn towards x axis with a velocity of 0.4 m/s. how much is the change in the linear momentum of the car due to the turn ? A projectile has a range R [...]
If the average life time of an excited state of hydrogen is of the order of 10^-8 s, estimate how many orbits an electron makes when it is in the state n = 2 and before it suffers a transition to state n = 1
If the average life time of an excited state of hydrogen is of the order of 10^-8 s, estimate how many orbits an electron makes when it is in the state n = 2 and before it suffers a transition to state n = 1 estimate how many orbits an electron makes when it is [...]
Current drawn from the ac source will be maximum if its angular frequency is
Current drawn from the ac source will be maximum if its angular frequency is Current drawn from the ac source will be maximum if its angular frequency is September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
What is the angular momentum of an electron in Bohr’s hydrogen atom whose energy is -3.4 eV?
What is the angular momentum of an electron in Bohr’s hydrogen atom whose energy is -3.4 eV? What is the angular momentum of an electron in Bohr's hydrogen atom whose energy is -3.4 eV? September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,