Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
When a force F acts on a body of mass m, the acceleration produced in the body is a if three equal forces F1 = F2 = F3 = F act on the same body as shown in figure. The acceleration produced is :
When a force F acts on a body of mass m, the acceleration produced in the body is a if three equal forces F1 = F2 = F3 = F act on the same body as shown in figure. The acceleration produced is : the acceleration produced in the body is a if three equal [...]
A gas of hydrogen-like atoms can absorb radiations of 68 eV. Consequently, the atoms emit radiations of only three different wavelengths. All the wavelengths are equal to or smaller that that of the absorbed photon.
A gas of hydrogen-like atoms can absorb radiations of 68 eV. Consequently, the atoms emit radiations of only three different wavelengths. All the wavelengths are equal to or smaller that that of the absorbed photon. A gas of hydrogen-like atoms can absorb radiations of 68 eV. Consequently the atoms emit radiations of only three different [...]
For a concave mirror, if real image is formed the graph between 1/u and 1/v is of the form
For a concave mirror, if real image is formed the graph between 1/u and 1/v is of the form For a concave mirror if real image is formed the graph between 1/u and 1/v is of the form September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
Find the quantum number n corresponding to the excited state of He^+ if on transition to the ground state that ion emits two photons in succession with wavelength 1026.7 and 304 A.
Find the quantum number n corresponding to the excited state of He^+ if on transition to the ground state that ion emits two photons in succession with wavelength 1026.7 and 304 A. Find the quantum number n corresponding to the excited state of He^+ if on transition to the ground state that ion emits two [...]
A rod of length L and mass M is acted on by two unequal to force F1 and F2 (< F1) as shown in the following figure. The tension in the rod at a distance y from the end a is given by :
A rod of length L and mass M is acted on by two unequal to force F1 and F2 (< F1) as shown in the following figure. The tension in the rod at a distance y from the end a is given by : A rod of length L and mass M is acted on [...]
Thermal energy produced by the resistance R in time duration 1 ms, using the source at resonant condition, is
Thermal energy produced by the resistance R in time duration 1 ms, using the source at resonant condition, is is Thermal energy produced by the resistance R in time duration 1 ms using the source at resonant condition September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a spring (massless) of spring constant k. The blocks are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. Initially, the blocks are at rest and the spring is unstretched. Then a constant force F starts acting on the block of mass M to pull it. Find the force on the block of mass m.
A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a spring (massless) of spring constant k. The blocks are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. Initially, the blocks are at rest and the spring is unstretched. Then a constant force F starts acting on the block of mass M to [...]
A block of mass m is connected to another block of mass M by a spring (massless) of spring constant k. The blocks are kept on a smooth horizontal plane. Initially ,
the blocks are at rest and the spring is unstretched. Then a constant force F starts acting on the block of mass M to pull it. Find the force on the block of mass m. ,
Average energy stored by the inductor L2 ( source is at resonance frequency) is equal to
Average energy stored by the inductor L2 ( source is at resonance frequency) is equal to Average energy stored by the inductor L2 ( source is at resonance frequency) is equal to September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
A rocket of mass 100 kg burns 0.1 kg of fuel per sec.if velocity of exhaust gas is 1 km/sec then it lifts with an acceleration of
A rocket of mass 100 kg burns 0.1 kg of fuel per sec.if velocity of exhaust gas is 1 km/sec then it lifts with an acceleration of A rocket of mass 100 kg burns 0.1 kg of fuel per sec.if velocity of exhaust gas is 1 km/sec then it lifts with an acceleration of [...]
A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it whose magnitude changes with time. The force – time graph is shown below. The velocity of the particle after 10 s is
A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it whose magnitude changes with time. The force – time graph is shown below. The velocity of the particle after 10 s is A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it whose magnitude changes [...]