Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
In figure, find which is K alpha and K beta.
In figure, find which is K alpha and K beta. find which is K alpha and K beta. In figure September 11, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
A parallel paraxial beam of light is incident on the arrangement as shown (μA=3/2,μB=4/3). The two spherical surfaces are very close and each has a radius of curvature 10 cm. Find the point where the rays are focused. (w.r.t. point of entry)
A parallel paraxial beam of light is incident on the arrangement as shown (μA=3/2,μB=4/3). The two spherical surfaces are very close and each has a radius of curvature 10 cm. Find the point where the rays are focused. (w.r.t. point of entry) A parallel paraxial beam of light is incident on the arrangement as shown [...]
The voltage applied to an X-ray tube being increased n = 1.5 times, the short wave limit of an X-ray continuous spectrum shifts by delta lemda = 26 pm. Find the initial voltage applied to the tube.
The voltage applied to an X-ray tube being increased n = 1.5 times, the short wave limit of an X-ray continuous spectrum shifts by delta lemda = 26 pm. Find the initial voltage applied to the tube. the short wave limit of an X-ray continuous spectrum shifts by delta lemda = 26 pm. Find the [...]
The position time graph of a particle of mass 4 kg is shown in the figure. Calculate the impulse ( in MKS units) at time t = 0 and t = 6 seconds respectively
The position time graph of a particle of mass 4 kg is shown in the figure. Calculate the impulse ( in MKS units) at time t = 0 and t = 6 seconds respectively The position time graph of a particle of mass 4 kg is shown in the figure. Calculate the impulse ( in [...]
An X-ray tube operates at 20 kV. Find the maximum speed of the electrons striking the anode, given the charge of electron is 1.6 * 10^-19 coulomb and mass of electron is 9 * 10^-31 kg.
An X-ray tube operates at 20 kV. Find the maximum speed of the electrons striking the anode, given the charge of electron is 1.6 * 10^-19 coulomb and mass of electron is 9 * 10^-31 kg. An X-ray tube operates at 20 kV. Find the maximum speed of the electrons striking the anode given the [...]
A cricket ball of mass 0.5 kg strikes a bat normally with a velocity of 20 M per second and rebounds with a velocity of 10 m per second. The Impulse of force exerted by the ball on the bat is
A cricket ball of mass 0.5 kg strikes a bat normally with a velocity of 20 M per second and rebounds with a velocity of 10 m per second. The Impulse of force exerted by the ball on the bat is A cricket ball of mass 0.5 kg strikes a bat normally with a velocity [...]
An X-ray tube operates at 20 kV. A particular electron loses 5% of its kinetic energy to emit an x-ray photon at the first collision. Find the wavelength corresponding to this photon.
An X-ray tube operates at 20 kV. A particular electron loses 5% of its kinetic energy to emit an x-ray photon at the first collision. Find the wavelength corresponding to this photon. An X-ray tube operates at 20 kV. A particular electron loses 5% of its kinetic energy to emit an x-ray photon at the [...]
The figure shows the position time (x-t) graph of one-dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4 kg. The magnitude of each impulse is.
The figure shows the position time (x-t) graph of one-dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4 kg. The magnitude of each impulse is. The figure shows the position time (x-t) graph of one-dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4 kg. The magnitude of each impulse is. September 11, 2020 Category: Chapter 5 - [...]
Electrons in a hydrogen-like atom (Z = 3a) make transitions from the fourth excited state to the third excited state and from the third excited state to the second excited state. The resulting radiations are incident on a metal plate
Electrons in a hydrogen-like atom (Z = 3a) make transitions from the fourth excited state to the third excited state and from the third excited state to the second excited state. The resulting radiations are incident on a metal plate A moving hydrogen atom makes a head-on collision with a stationary hydrogen atom. Before collision [...]
Stationary bomb explodes into three pieces. One piece of 2kg mass moves with a velocity of 8ms^−1 at right angles to the other piece of mass 1 kg moving. With a velocity of 12ms^−1. If the mass of the third piece is 0.5kg, then its velocity is
Stationary bomb explodes into three pieces. One piece of 2kg mass moves with a velocity of 8ms^−1 at right angles to the other piece of mass 1 kg moving. With a velocity of 12ms^−1. If the mass of the third piece is 0.5kg, then its velocity is A shell of mass 10 kg is moving [...]