Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
Find the Q value of the reaction N14+α→O17+P The mass of are, respectivley, 14.00307u, 4.00260u, and 16.99913u. Find the total kinetic energy of the products if the striking αpartilcles has the minimum kinetic energy required to intiate the reaction .
Find the Q value of the reaction N14+α→O17+P The mass of are, respectivley, 14.00307u, 4.00260u, and 16.99913u. Find the total kinetic energy of the products if the striking αpartilcles has the minimum kinetic energy required to intiate the reaction . 14.00307u 4.00260u and 16.99913u. Find the total kinetic energy of the products if the striking [...]
In young’s double slit experiment, if the two slits are illuminated with seperate sources, no interference pattern is observed because
In young’s double slit experiment, if the two slits are illuminated with seperate sources, no interference pattern is observed because if the two slits are illuminated with seperate sources In Young's double slit experiment no interference pattern is observed because September 12, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
Speed of light is
Speed of light is Speed of light is September 12, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
The phase of light wave at c, d, e and f are phiC, phiA, phiC and PhiF respectively. It is given that phiC is not equal to phiF.
The phase of light wave at c, d, e and f are phiC, phiA, phiC and PhiF respectively. It is given that phiC is not equal to phiF. D e and f are phiC phiA phiC and PhiF respectively. It is given that phiC is not equal to phiF. The phase of light wave at [...]
A radionuclide with disintegration constant lemda is produced in a reactor at a constant rate alpha (= 2 lemda) nuclei per second. At t = 0, there are no nuclei present in the reactor.
A radionuclide with disintegration constant lemda is produced in a reactor at a constant rate alpha (= 2 lemda) nuclei per second. At t = 0, there are no nuclei present in the reactor. A radionuclide with disintegration constant lemda is produced in a reactor at a constant rate alpha (= 2 lemda) nuclei per [...]
(a) A nuclear explosion is designed to deliver 1 MW of heat energy, how many fission events must be required in a second to attain this power level. (b) If this explosion is designed with a nuclear fuel consisting of uranium 235 to run a reactor at this
(a) A nuclear explosion is designed to deliver 1 MW of heat energy, how many fission events must be required in a second to attain this power level. (b) If this explosion is designed with a nuclear fuel consisting of uranium 235 to run a reactor at this (a) A nuclear explosion is designed to [...]
The figure shows a surface XY seperating two transparent media. Medium I and medium II . Light travel as a
The figure shows a surface XY seperating two transparent media. Medium I and medium II . Light travel as a The figure shows a surface XY seperating two transparent media. Medium I and medium II . Light travel as a September 12, 2020 Category: Uncategorised (JEE Advanced Physics by BM Sharma + GMP Solutions) ,
What is the power output of a 92 U 235 reactor if it takes 30 days to use up 2 kg of fuel, and if each fission gives 185 MeV of usable energy?
What is the power output of a 92 U 235 reactor if it takes 30 days to use up 2 kg of fuel, and if each fission gives 185 MeV of usable energy? and if each fission gives 185 MeV of usable energy? What is the power output of a 92 U 235 reactor if [...]
A nuclear reactor using 235 U generates 250 MW of electrical power. The efficiency of the reactor (i.e., efficiency of conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy) is 25%.
A nuclear reactor using 235 U generates 250 MW of electrical power. The efficiency of the reactor (i.e., efficiency of conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy) is 25%. A nuclear reactor using 235 U generates 250 MW of electrical power. The efficiency of the reactor (i.e. efficiency of conversion of thermal energy into electrical [...]
In the process of nuclear fission of 1 g uranium. the mass lost is 0.92 mg. The efficiency of power house run by the fission reactor is 10%. To obtain 400 megawatt power from the power house,
In the process of nuclear fission of 1 g uranium. the mass lost is 0.92 mg. The efficiency of power house run by the fission reactor is 10%. To obtain 400 megawatt power from the power house, In the process of nuclear fission of 1 g uranium. the mass lost is 0.92 mg. The efficiency [...]