Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
A block of mass 15 kg is held by a string on an inclined plane (angle 30∘). The tension T in string is (g=10m/s)
A block of mass 15 kg is held by a string on an inclined plane (angle 30∘). The tension T in string is (g=10m/s) A block of mass 15 kg is held by a string on an inclined plane (angle 30∘). The tension T in string is (g=10m/s) September 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 5 - [...]
In figure, a battery of emf 2 V is used. The length of the block is 0.1 m and the area is 1 * 10^4 m^2. If the block is of intrinsic silicon at 300 K, find the electron and hole currents. What will be magnitude of the total current
In figure, a battery of emf 2 V is used. The length of the block is 0.1 m and the area is 1 * 10^4 m^2. If the block is of intrinsic silicon at 300 K, find the electron and hole currents. What will be magnitude of the total current a battery of emf 2 [...]
Two particles of mass m1 and m2 in projectile motion have velocities v1 < v2 respectively at tine t=0. They collide at time t0. Their velocities become v1′ and v2′ at time 2 t0′ while still moving in air. The value of ∣∣∣∣(m1v1′+ m2v2′) − (m1v1 + m2v2)∣∣∣∣ is
Two particles of mass m1 and m2 in projectile motion have velocities v1 < v2 respectively at tine t=0. They collide at time t0. Their velocities become v1′ and v2′ at time 2 t0′ while still moving in air. The value of ∣∣∣∣(m1v1′+ m2v2′) − (m1v1 + m2v2)∣∣∣∣ is A 5 kg shell kept at [...]
A semiconductor is known to have an electron concentration of 8 * 10^13 cm^-3 and a hole concentration of 5 * 10^12 cm^-3. (a) Is the semiconductor n-type or p-type?
A semiconductor is known to have an electron concentration of 8 * 10^13 cm^-3 and a hole concentration of 5 * 10^12 cm^-3. (a) Is the semiconductor n-type or p-type? A semiconductor is known to have an electron concentration of 8 * 10^13 cm^-3 and a hole concentration of 5 * 10^12 cm^-3. (a) Is [...]
When one of the slits of Young’s experiment is covered with a transparent sheet of thickness 4.8 mm, the central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the 30th bright fringe. What should be the thickness of the sheet if the central fringe has to shift to the position occupied by 20th bright fringe?
When one of the slits of Young’s experiment is covered with a transparent sheet of thickness 4.8 mm, the central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the 30th bright fringe. What should be the thickness of the sheet if the central fringe has to shift to the position occupied by 20th bright fringe? [...]
A man of 50 kg is standing at one end on a boat of length 25 m and mass 200 kg.If he starts running and when he reaches the other end , he has a velocity 2ms^−1 with respect to the boat.The final velocity of the boat is (in ms^−1).
A man of 50 kg is standing at one end on a boat of length 25 m and mass 200 kg.If he starts running and when he reaches the other end , he has a velocity 2ms^−1 with respect to the boat.The final velocity of the boat is (in ms^−1). A man of 50 kg [...]
Pure Si at 300 K has equal electron (ne) and hole (nh) concentration of 1.5 * 10^16 m^-3. Doping by indium increases nh to 4.5 * 10^22 m^-3. Calculate ne in the doped silicon.
Pure Si at 300 K has equal electron (ne) and hole (nh) concentration of 1.5 * 10^16 m^-3. Doping by indium increases nh to 4.5 * 10^22 m^-3. Calculate ne in the doped silicon. Pure Si at 300 K has equal electron (ne) and hole (nh) concentration of 1.5 * 10^16 m^-3. Doping by indium [...]
A flake of glass (refractive index 1.5) is placed over one of the opening of a double-slit apparatus. The interference pattern displaced itself through seven successive maxima toward the side where the flake is placed. If wavelength of the light is λ = 600 nm, then the thickness of the flake is
A flake of glass (refractive index 1.5) is placed over one of the opening of a double-slit apparatus. The interference pattern displaced itself through seven successive maxima toward the side where the flake is placed. If wavelength of the light is λ = 600 nm, then the thickness of the flake is In Young's double [...]
Light of wavelength 500 nm is used to form interference pattern in Young’s double slit experiment. A uniform glass plate of refractive index 1.5 and thickness 0.1mm is introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams. The number of fringes which will shift the cross wire due to this is
Light of wavelength 500 nm is used to form interference pattern in Young’s double slit experiment. A uniform glass plate of refractive index 1.5 and thickness 0.1mm is introduced in the path of one of the interfering beams. The number of fringes which will shift the cross wire due to this is In Young's double [...]
In Young’s double slit experiment, the fringes are displaced index 1.5 is introduced in the path of one of the beams. When this plate in replaced by another plate of the same thickness, the shift of fringes is (3/2)x. The refractive index of the second plate is
In Young’s double slit experiment, the fringes are displaced index 1.5 is introduced in the path of one of the beams. When this plate in replaced by another plate of the same thickness, the shift of fringes is (3/2)x. The refractive index of the second plate is In Young's double slit experiment the fringes are [...]