Question Answers
Sahay Sir > Question Answers
The magnetic field due to a current carrying circular loop of radius 3 cm at a point on the axis at a distance of 4 cm from the centre is 54 μT. What will be its value at the centre of the loop?
The magnetic field due to a current carrying circular loop of radius 3 cm at a point on the axis at a distance of 4 cm from the centre is 54 μT. What will be its value at the centre of the loop? The magnetic field due to a current carrying circular loop of radius [...]
Two long conductors, separated by a distance d carry current I1 and I2 in the same direction. They exert a force F on each other. Now the current in one of them is increased to two times and its direction is reversed. The distance is also increased to 3d. The new value of the force between them is
Two long conductors, separated by a distance d carry current I1 and I2 in the same direction. They exert a force F on each other. Now the current in one of them is increased to two times and its direction is reversed. The distance is also increased to 3d. The new value of the force [...]
A long wire carries a steady current. It is bent into a circle of one turn and the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is B. It is then bent into a circular loop of n turns. The magnetic field at the centre of the coil will be
A long wire carries a steady current. It is bent into a circle of one turn and the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is B. It is then bent into a circular loop of n turns. The magnetic field at the centre of the coil will be A charged particle moves through [...]
A charged particle of mass m and charge q travels on a circular path of radius r that is perpendicular to a magnetic field B. The time taken by the particle to complete one revolution is
A charged particle of mass m and charge q travels on a circular path of radius r that is perpendicular to a magnetic field B. The time taken by the particle to complete one revolution is A charged particle of mass m and charge q travels on a circular path of radius r that is [...]
Two concentric coils each of radius equal to 2π cm are placed at right angles to each other. 3 Ampere and 4 ampere are the currents flowing in each coil respectively. The magnetic induction in Weber/m^2 at the centre of the coils will be (μ0 = 4π × 10^−7 Wb/A-m)
Two concentric coils each of radius equal to 2π cm are placed at right angles to each other. 3 Ampere and 4 ampere are the currents flowing in each coil respectively. The magnetic induction in Weber/m^2 at the centre of the coils will be (μ0 = 4π × 10^−7 Wb/A-m) A circular coil having N [...]
A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences:
A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences: A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences: November 21, 2021 Category: Chapter 13 - Magnetic Effect of Current , JEE Mains Physics 2002-2019 Solved Video Solutions ,
Two thin, long, parallel wires, separated by a distance d carry a current of i A in the same direction. They will:
Two thin, long, parallel wires, separated by a distance d carry a current of i A in the same direction. They will: long parallel wires separated by a distance d carry a current of i A in the same direction. They will: Two thin November 21, 2021 Category: Chapter 13 - Magnetic Effect of Current [...]
A moving coil galvanometer has 150 equal divisions. Its current sensitivity is 10 divisions per milliampere and voltage sensitivity is 2 divisions per millivolt. In order that each division reads 1 volt, the resistance in ohms needed to be connected in series with the coil will be
A moving coil galvanometer has 150 equal divisions. Its current sensitivity is 10 divisions per milliampere and voltage sensitivity is 2 divisions per millivolt. In order that each division reads 1 volt, the resistance in ohms needed to be connected in series with the coil will be A circular coil having N turns and radius [...]
In a region, steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields are present. These two fields are parallel to each other. A charged particle is released from rest in this region. The path of the particle will be a
In a region, steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields are present. These two fields are parallel to each other. A charged particle is released from rest in this region. The path of the particle will be a In a region steady and uniform electric and magnetic fields are present. These two fields are parallel [...]
Needles N1, N2 and N3 are made of a ferromagnetic, a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic substance respectively. A magnet when brought close to them will
Needles N1, N2 and N3 are made of a ferromagnetic, a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic substance respectively. A magnet when brought close to them will a paramagnetic and a diamagnetic substance respectively. A magnet when brought close to them will N2 and N3 are made of a ferromagnetic Needles N1 November 21, 2021 Category: Chapter [...]