Chapter 25 – Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions > Physics > Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials
The magnetic susceptibility is negative for
The magnetic susceptibility is negative for The magnetic susceptibility is negative for August 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials , NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions , Physics ,
A compass needle which is allowed to move in a horizontal plane is taken to a geomagnetic pole. lt
A compass needle which is allowed to move in a horizontal plane is taken to a geomagnetic pole. lt A compass needle which is allowed to move in a horizontal plane is taken to a geomagnetic pole. lt August 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials , NEET Last 32 Years [...]
There are four light-weight-rod samples A, B, C, D separately suspended by threads. A bar magnet is slowly brought near each sample and the following observations are noted
There are four light-weight-rod samples A, B, C, D separately suspended by threads. A bar magnet is slowly brought near each sample and the following observations are noted B C D separately suspended by threads. A bar magnet is slowly brought near each sample and the following observations are noted There are four light-weight-rod samples [...]
A bar magnet having a magnetic moment of 2 x10^4 J T^-1 is free to rotate in a horizontal plane. A horizontal magnetic field B = 6 x 10^-4 T exists in the space. The work done in taking the magnet slowly from a direction parallel to the field to a direction 60° from the field is
A bar magnet having a magnetic moment of 2 x10^4 J T^-1 is free to rotate in a horizontal plane. A horizontal magnetic field B = 6 x 10^-4 T exists in the space. The work done in taking the magnet slowly from a direction parallel to the field to a direction 60° from the [...]
If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north or south pole of a bar magnet, it is
If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north or south pole of a bar magnet, it is If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north or south pole of a bar magnet it is August 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials , NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 - 2019 [...]
Nickel shows ferromagnetic property at room temperature. If the temperature is increased beyond Curie temperature then it will show
Nickel shows ferromagnetic property at room temperature. If the temperature is increased beyond Curie temperature then it will show Nickel shows ferromagnetic property at room temperature. If the temperature is increased beyond Curie temperature then it will show August 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials , NEET Last 32 Years [...]
Above Curie temperature
Above Curie temperature Above Curie temperature August 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials , NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions , Physics ,
If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of diamagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by µd, µp, µf respectively, then .
If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of diamagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by µd, µp, µf respectively, then . If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of diamagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by µd then µf respectively µp August 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and [...]
For protecting a sensitive equipment from the external magnetic field, it should be
For protecting a sensitive equipment from the external magnetic field, it should be For protecting a sensitive equipment from the external magnetic field it should be August 11, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials , NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions , Physics ,
A diamagnetic substance is brought near a strong magnet, then it is
A diamagnetic substance is brought near a strong magnet, then it is A diamagnetic substance is brought near a strong magnet then it is August 11, 2020 Category: Chapter 25 - Magnetic Induction and Magnetic Materials , NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions , Physics ,