NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 – 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > NEET Last 32 Years Solved 1988 - 2019 Physics and Chemistry Video Solutions
The earth is assumed to be a sphere of radius R. A platform is arranged at a height R from the surface of Earth. The escape velocity of a body from this platform is fve, where ve is its escape velocity from the surface of the earth. The value of f is
The earth is assumed to be a sphere of radius R. A platform is arranged at a height R from the surface of Earth. The escape velocity of a body from this platform is fve, where ve is its escape velocity from the surface of the earth. The value of f is The earth is [...]
The ratio of escape velocity at earth(ve) to the escape velocity at a planet(vp) whose radius and mean density are twice as that of earth is:
The ratio of escape velocity at earth(ve) to the escape velocity at a planet(vp) whose radius and mean density are twice as that of earth is: The ratio of escape velocity at earth(ve) to the escape velocity at a planet(vp) whose radius and mean density are twice as that of earth is: August 29, 2020 [...]
Imagine a new planet having the same density as that of earth but it is 3 times bigger than the earth in size. If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth is g and that on the surface of the new planet is g’ then
Imagine a new planet having the same density as that of earth but it is 3 times bigger than the earth in size. If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth is g and that on the surface of the new planet is g’ then A spherical planet has a mass Mp [...]
A spherical planet has a mass Mp and diameter Dp . A particle of mass m falling freely near the surface of this planet will experience an acceleration due to gravity equal to:
A spherical planet has a mass Mp and diameter Dp . A particle of mass m falling freely near the surface of this planet will experience an acceleration due to gravity equal to: A spherical planet has a mass Mp and diameter Dp . A particle of mass m falling freely near the surface of [...]
The height at which the weight of a body becomes 1/16th, its weight on the surface of earth (radius R), is
The height at which the weight of a body becomes 1/16th, its weight on the surface of earth (radius R), is is its weight on the surface of earth (radius R) The height at which the weight of a body becomes 1/16th August 29, 2020 Category: Chapter 12 - Gravitation , NEET Last 32 Years [...]
A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth (of radius R) at a height h from its surface. The total energy of the satellite in terms of g0, the value of acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface, is
A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth (of radius R) at a height h from its surface. The total energy of the satellite in terms of g0, the value of acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface, is A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth (of radius R) at a [...]
Starting from the centre of the earth having radius R, the variation of g (acceleration due to gravity) is shown by
Starting from the centre of the earth having radius R, the variation of g (acceleration due to gravity) is shown by Starting from the centre of the earth having radius R the variation of g (acceleration due to gravity) is shown by August 29, 2020 Category: Chapter 12 - Gravitation , NEET Last 32 Years [...]
At what height from the surface of earth the gravitation potential and the value of g are −5.4 × 10^7 J kg^−2 and 6.0 ms^−2 respectively? Take the radius of earth as 6400 km.
At what height from the surface of earth the gravitation potential and the value of g are −5.4 × 10^7 J kg^−2 and 6.0 ms^−2 respectively? Take the radius of earth as 6400 km. At what height from the surface of earth the gravitation potential and the value of g are −5.4 × 10^7 J [...]
At what height from the surface of earth the gravitation potential and the value of g are −5.4 × 10^7 J kg^−2 and 6.0 ms^−2 respectively? Take the radius of earth as 6400 km.
At what height from the surface of earth the gravitation potential and the value of g are −5.4 × 10^7 J kg^−2 and 6.0 ms^−2 respectively? Take the radius of earth as 6400 km. At what height from the surface of earth the gravitation potential and the value of g are −5.4 × 10^7 J [...]
The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. Then.
The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. Then. The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the surface of earth. Then. August [...]