Chapter 12 – Atoms
Using Bohr model, calculate the electric current created by the electron when the H – atom is in the ground state.
Using Bohr model, calculate the electric current created by the electron when the H – atom is in the ground state. calculate the electric current created by the electron when the H - atom is in the ground state. Using Bohr model June 9, 2021 Category: Chapter 12 - Atoms , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 [...]
Would the Bohr formula for the H-atom remain unchanged if proton had a change (+4/3)e and electron a change (−3/4)e, where e=1.6×10^−19 C. Given reasons for you answer.
Would the Bohr formula for the H-atom remain unchanged if proton had a change (+4/3)e and electron a change (−3/4)e, where e=1.6×10^−19 C. Given reasons for you answer. where e=1.6×10^−19 C. Given reasons for you answer. Would the Bohr formula for the H-atom remain unchanged if proton had a change (+4/3)e and electron a change [...]
The simple Bohr model is not applicable to He^4 atom because
The simple Bohr model is not applicable to He^4 atom because The simple Bohr model is not applicable to He^4 atom because June 9, 2021 Category: Chapter 12 - Atoms , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 , Physics ,
Let En = -1me^4/ 8e^20 n^2 h^2 be the energy of the nth level of H-atom. If the H-atom are in the ground state and radiation of frequency (E2 – E1)/h falls on it.
Let En = -1me^4/ 8e^20 n^2 h^2 be the energy of the nth level of H-atom. If the H-atom are in the ground state and radiation of frequency (E2 – E1)/h falls on it. Let En = -1me^4/ 8e^20 n^2 h^2 be the energy of the nth level of H-atom. If the H-atom are in [...]
The Balmer series for the H-atom can be observed
The Balmer series for the H-atom can be observed The Balmer series for the H-atom can be observed June 9, 2021 Category: Chapter 12 - Atoms , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 , Physics ,
Consider two different hydrogen atmos. The electron in each atom is in an excited state. Is it possible for the electrons to have different energies but the same orbital angular momentum according to the Bohr model ?
Consider two different hydrogen atmos. The electron in each atom is in an excited state. Is it possible for the electrons to have different energies but the same orbital angular momentum according to the Bohr model ? Two H atoms in the ground state collide inelastically. The maximum amount by which their combined kinetic energy [...]
Two H atoms in the ground state collide inelastically. The maximum amount by which their combined kinetic energy is reduced is
Two H atoms in the ground state collide inelastically. The maximum amount by which their combined kinetic energy is reduced is Two H atoms in the ground state collide inelastically. The maximum amount by which their combined kinetic energy is reduced is June 7, 2021 Category: Chapter 12 - Atoms , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 [...]