Chapter 11 – Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > NCERT Exemplar Class 12 > Physics > Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
An electron mass m with an initial velocity v = v0i (v0>0) is in an electric field E = E0j (E0 = constant > 0). it’s de Broglie wavelength at time t is given by
An electron mass m with an initial velocity v = v0i (v0>0) is in an electric field E = E0j (E0 = constant > 0). it’s de Broglie wavelength at time t is given by An electron mass m with an initial velocity v = v0i (v0>0) is in an electric field E = E0j [...]
A proton, a neutron, an electron and an α-particle have same energy. Then their de-Broglie wavelengths compare as.
A proton, a neutron, an electron and an α-particle have same energy. Then their de-Broglie wavelengths compare as. a neutron A proton an electron and an α-particle have same energy. Then their de-Broglie wavelengths compare as. June 9, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 , [...]
An electron is moving with an initial velocity v→=v0iˆ and is in a magnetic field B→=B0jˆ. Then it’s de-Broglie wavelength
An electron is moving with an initial velocity v→=v0iˆ and is in a magnetic field B→=B0jˆ. Then it’s de-Broglie wavelength An electron is moving with an initial velocity v→=v0iˆ and is in a magnetic field B→=B0jˆ. Then it's de-Broglie wavelength June 9, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter , NCERT [...]
The wavelength of a photon needed to remove a proton from a nucleus which is bound to the nucleus with 1MeV energy is nearly.
The wavelength of a photon needed to remove a proton from a nucleus which is bound to the nucleus with 1MeV energy is nearly. The wavelength of a photon needed to remove a proton from a nucleus which is bound to the nucleus with 1MeV energy is nearly. June 9, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - [...]
A particle is dropped from a height ‘H’. The de-Broglie wavelength of the particle as a function of height is proportional to
A particle is dropped from a height ‘H’. The de-Broglie wavelength of the particle as a function of height is proportional to A particle is dropped from a height 'H'. The de-Broglie wavelength of the particle as a function of height is proportional to June 9, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation [...]
What is the de-Broglie wavelength of nitrogen molecule in air at 300 K ? Assume that the molecule is moving with the root mean square speed of molecules at this temperature. (Atomic mass of nitrogen =14.0076U)
What is the de-Broglie wavelength of nitrogen molecule in air at 300 K ? Assume that the molecule is moving with the root mean square speed of molecules at this temperature. (Atomic mass of nitrogen =14.0076U) What is the de-Broglie wavelength of June 7, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter [...]
(a) For what kinetic energy of a neutron will the associated de Broglie wavelength be 1.40 × 10^-10 m ?
(a) For what kinetic energy of a neutron will the associated de Broglie wavelength be 1.40 × 10^-10 m ? (a) For what kinetic energy of a neutron will the associated de Broglie wavelength be 1.40 × 10^-10 m ? June 7, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter , NCERT [...]
An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of 1.00 nm. Find
An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of 1.00 nm. Find An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of 1.00 nm. Find June 7, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 , Physics ,
What is the de-Broglie wavelength of
What is the de-Broglie wavelength of What is the de-Broglie wavelength of June 7, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 , Physics ,
The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is 589 nm. Find the kinetic energy at which
The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is 589 nm. Find the kinetic energy at which The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is 589 nm. Find the kinetic energy at which June 7, 2021 Category: Chapter 11 - Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter , NCERT [...]