Chapter 10 – Vector Algebra
Example 6 Find unit vector in the direction of vector a = 2i + 3j + k
Example 6 Find unit vector in the direction of vector a = 2i + 3j + k Example 6 Find unit vector in the direction of vector a = 2i + 3j + k November 5, 2021 Category: Chapter 10 - Vector Algebra , Maths , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 ,
Example 5 Let a= i + 2j and b = 2i + j. Is IaI = IbI ? Are the vectors equal?
Example 5 Let a= i + 2j and b = 2i + j. Is IaI = IbI ? Are the vectors equal? Example 5 Let a= i + 2j and b = 2i + j. Is IaI = IbI ? Are the vectors equal? November 5, 2021 Category: Chapter 10 - Vector Algebra , Maths [...]
Example 4 Find the values of x, y and z so that the vectors a = xi + 2j + zk and b = 2i + yj + k are equal.
Example 4 Find the values of x, y and z so that the vectors a = xi + 2j + zk and b = 2i + yj + k are equal. Example 4 Find the values of x y and z so that the vectors a = xi + 2j + zk and b = [...]
Example 3 In Fig 10.5, which of the vectors are: (i) Collinear (ii) Equal (iii) Coinitial
Example 3 In Fig 10.5, which of the vectors are: (i) Collinear (ii) Equal (iii) Coinitial Example 3 In Fig 10.5 which of the vectors are: (i) Collinear (ii) Equal (iii) Coinitial November 5, 2021 Category: Chapter 10 - Vector Algebra , Maths , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 ,
Example 2 Classify the following measures as scalars and vectors. (i) 5 seconds (ii) 1000 cm^3 (iii) 10 Newton (iv) 30 km/hr (v) 10 g/cm^3 (vi) 20 m/s towards north
Example 2 Classify the following measures as scalars and vectors. (i) 5 seconds (ii) 1000 cm^3 (iii) 10 Newton (iv) 30 km/hr (v) 10 g/cm^3 (vi) 20 m/s towards north Example 2 Classify the following measures as scalars and vectors. (i) 5 seconds (ii) 1000 cm^3 (iii) 10 Newton (iv) 30 km/hr (v) 10 g/cm^3 [...]
Example 1 Represent graphically a displacement of 40 km, 30° west of south.
Example 1 Represent graphically a displacement of 40 km, 30° west of south. Example 1 Represent graphically a displacement of 40 km 30° west of south. November 5, 2021 Category: Chapter 10 - Vector Algebra , Maths , NCERT Exemplar Class 12 ,