What amount of heat must be supplied to 2.0 × 10^–2 kg of nitrogen (at room temperature) to raise its temperature by 45 °C at constant pressure?
What amount of heat must be supplied to 2.0 × 10^–2 kg of nitrogen (at room temperature) to raise its temperature by 45 °C at constant pressure? What amount of heat must be supplied to 2.0 × 10^–2 kg of nitrogen (at room temperature) to raise its temperature by 45 °C at constant pressure? September [...]
A geyser heats water flowing at the rate of 3.0 litres per minute from 27 °C to 77 °C. If the geyser operates on a gas burner, what is the rate of consumption of the fuel if its heat of combustion is 4.0 × 10^4 J/g?
A geyser heats water flowing at the rate of 3.0 litres per minute from 27 °C to 77 °C. If the geyser operates on a gas burner, what is the rate of consumption of the fuel if its heat of combustion is 4.0 × 10^4 J/g? A geyser heats water flowing at the rate of [...]
A uniform disc of radius R and mass m is resting on a table on its rim, the coefficient of friction between the disc and the table is μ. Now the disc is pulled with a force F as shown in the figure. What is the maximum value of F for which the disc rolls without slipping?
A uniform disc of radius R and mass m is resting on a table on its rim, the coefficient of friction between the disc and the table is μ. Now the disc is pulled with a force F as shown in the figure. What is the maximum value of F for which the disc rolls [...]
Two discs of moments of inertia I1and I2 about their respective axes (normal to the disc and passing through the centre) and rotating with angular speeds ω1 and ω2 are brought into contact face to face with their axes of rotation coincident.
Two discs of moments of inertia I1and I2 about their respective axes (normal to the disc and passing through the centre) and rotating with angular speeds ω1 and ω2 are brought into contact face to face with their axes of rotation coincident. Which of the following points is the likely position of the centre of [...]
A door is hinged at one end and is free to rotate about a vertical axis [Fig.] Does its weight cause any torque about the axis ? Given reason for you answer.
A door is hinged at one end and is free to rotate about a vertical axis [Fig.] Does its weight cause any torque about the axis ? Given reason for you answer. A door is hinged at one end and is free to rotate about a vertical axis [Fig.] Does its weight cause any torque [...]
The variation of angular position θ, of a point on a rotating rigid body, with time t is shown in Fig. Is the body rotating clock wise or anti-clockwise ?
The variation of angular position θ, of a point on a rotating rigid body, with time t is shown in Fig. Is the body rotating clock wise or anti-clockwise ? of a point on a rotating rigid body The variation of angular position θ with time t is shown in Fig. Is the body rotating [...]
Why does a solid sphere have smaller moment of inertia than a hollow cylinder of same mass and radius, about an axis passing through their axes of symmetry ?
Why does a solid sphere have smaller moment of inertia than a hollow cylinder of same mass and radius, about an axis passing through their axes of symmetry ? about an axis passing through their axes of symmetry ? Why does a solid sphere have smaller moment of inertia than a hollow cylinder of same [...]
With reference to Fig. of a cube of edge a and mass m, state whether the following are true or false. (O is the centre of the cube.)
With reference to Fig. of a cube of edge a and mass m, state whether the following are true or false. (O is the centre of the cube.) state whether the following are true or false. (O is the centre of the cube.) With reference to Fig. of a cube of edge a and mass [...]
Figure shows a lamina in x−y plane. Two axes z and z’ pass perpendicular to its plane. A force F acts in the plane of lamina at point P as shown. Which of the following statements are true ? (The point P is closer to z’−axis than the z-axis).
Figure shows a lamina in x−y plane. Two axes z and z’ pass perpendicular to its plane. A force F acts in the plane of lamina at point P as shown. Which of the following statements are true ? (The point P is closer to z’−axis than the z-axis). Which of the following points is [...]
The net external torque on a system of particles about an axis is zero. Which of the following are compatible with it?
The net external torque on a system of particles about an axis is zero. Which of the following are compatible with it? The net external torque on a system of particles about an axis is zero. Which of the following are compatible with it? November 27, 2020 Category: Chapter 6 - System of Particles and [...]