The range of a projectile fired at an angle of 15^∘ is 50 m. If it is fired with the same speed at an angle of 45T∘ its range will be
The range of a projectile fired at an angle of 15^∘ is 50 m. If it is fired with the same speed at an angle of 45T∘ its range will be The range of a projectile fired at an angle of 15^∘ is 50 m. If it is fired with the same speed at an [...]
The velocity- displacement graph of a particle is shown in figure. (a) Write the relation between v and x. (b) Obtain the relation between acceleration and displacement and plot it.
The velocity- displacement graph of a particle is shown in figure. (a) Write the relation between v and x. (b) Obtain the relation between acceleration and displacement and plot it. The velocity- displacement graph of a particle is shown in figure. (a) Write the relation between v and x. (b) Obtain the relation between acceleration [...]
A ball is dropped from a building of height 45m. Simultaneously another ball is thrown up with a speed 40m/s. Calculate the relative speed of the balls as a function of time.
A ball is dropped from a building of height 45m. Simultaneously another ball is thrown up with a speed 40m/s. Calculate the relative speed of the balls as a function of time. A ball is dropped from a building of height 45m. Simultaneously another ball is thrown up with a speed 40m/s. Calculate the relative [...]
A man runs across the roof of a tall building and jumps horizontally on to the (lower) roof of an adjacent building. If his speed is 9 m s⁻¹ and the horizontal distance between the building is 10 m and the height difference between the roofs is 9 m. Will he be able to land on the next building? (Take g = 10 m s⁻²).
A man runs across the roof of a tall building and jumps horizontally on to the (lower) roof of an adjacent building. If his speed is 9 m s⁻¹ and the horizontal distance between the building is 10 m and the height difference between the roofs is 9 m. Will he be able to land [...]
A bird is tossing (flying to and fro) between two cars moving towards each other on a straight road. One car has speed of 27 km h^−1 while the other has the speed of 18 km h^−1. The bird starts moving from first car towards the other and is moving with the speed of 36 km h^−1 when the two were separated by 36 km. The total distance covered by the bird is
A bird is tossing (flying to and fro) between two cars moving towards each other on a straight road. One car has speed of 27 km h^−1 while the other has the speed of 18 km h^−1. The bird starts moving from first car towards the other and is moving with the speed of 36 [...]
A particle executes the motion described by x(t) = x₀(1-(e^-γt)) t≥0, x₀>0. (a) Where does the particle start and with what velocity? (b) Find maximum and minimum values of x(t), v(t) and a(t). Show that x(t) and a(t) increase with time and v(t) decreases with time.
A particle executes the motion described by x(t) = x₀(1-(e^-γt)) t≥0, x₀>0. (a) Where does the particle start and with what velocity? (b) Find maximum and minimum values of x(t), v(t) and a(t). Show that x(t) and a(t) increase with time and v(t) decreases with time. A particle executes the motion described by x(t) = [...]
A ball is dropped and its displacement versus time graph is as shown (Displacement x from ground and all quantities are positive upwards). (a) Plot qualitatively velocity versus time graph. (b) Plot qualitatively acceleration versus time graph.
A ball is dropped and its displacement versus time graph is as shown (Displacement x from ground and all quantities are positive upwards). (a) Plot qualitatively velocity versus time graph. (b) Plot qualitatively acceleration versus time graph. Among the four graphs T) can vanish for a suitably chosen T. Which one is it? there is [...]
An object falling through a fluid is observed to have acceleration given by a=g−bv where `g= gravitational acceleration and (b) is constant. After a long time of release. It is observed to fall with constant speed. What must be the value of constant speed ?
An object falling through a fluid is observed to have acceleration given by a=g−bv where `g= gravitational acceleration and (b) is constant. After a long time of release. It is observed to fall with constant speed. What must be the value of constant speed ? Among the four graphs T) can vanish for a suitably [...]
Give example of a motion where x >0, v 0 at a particular instant
Give example of a motion where x >0, v 0 at a particular instant Give example of a motion where x >0 v 0 at a particular instant October 30, 2020 Category: Chapter 2 - Motion in a Straight Line , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
Give examples of a one-dimensional motion where (a) the particle moving along positive x-direction comes to rest periodically and moves forward. (b) the particle moving along positive x-direction comes to rest periodically and moves backward.
Give examples of a one-dimensional motion where (a) the particle moving along positive x-direction comes to rest periodically and moves forward. (b) the particle moving along positive x-direction comes to rest periodically and moves backward. Among the four graphs T) can vanish for a suitably chosen T. Which one is it? there is only one [...]