The bob A of a pendulum released from horizontal to the vertical hits another bob B of the same mass at rest on a table as shown in figure. If the length of the pendulum is 1m, calculate (a) the height to which bob A will rise after collision. (b) the speed with which bob B starts moving. Neglect the size of the bobs and assume the collision to be elastic.
The bob A of a pendulum released from horizontal to the vertical hits another bob B of the same mass at rest on a table as shown in figure. If the length of the pendulum is 1m, calculate (a) the height to which bob A will rise after collision. (b) the speed with which bob [...]
calculate (a) the height to which bob A will rise after collision. (b) the speed with which bob B starts moving. Neglect the size of the bobs and assume the collision to be elastic. ,
The bob A of a pendulum released from horizontal to the vertical hits another bob B of the same mass at rest on a table as shown in figure. If the length of the pendulum is 1m ,
Consider a one-dimensional motion of a particle with total energy E. There are four regions A, B, C and D is which the relation between potential energy U, kinetic energy (K) and total energy E is as given below Region A:V>E Region B:V
Consider a one-dimensional motion of a particle with total energy E. There are four regions A, B, C and D is which the relation between potential energy U, kinetic energy (K) and total energy E is as given below Region A:V>E Region B:V B C and D is which the relation between potential energy U [...]
A ball of mass m, moving with a speed 2v0, collides inelastically (e > 0) with an identical ball at rest. Show that (a) For head-on collision, both the balls move forward. (b) For a general collision, the angle between the two velocities of scattered balls is less than 90°.
A ball of mass m, moving with a speed 2v0, collides inelastically (e > 0) with an identical ball at rest. Show that (a) For head-on collision, both the balls move forward. (b) For a general collision, the angle between the two velocities of scattered balls is less than 90°. A ball of mass m [...]
A graph of potential energy V(x) verses x is shown in figure. A particle of energy E0 is executing motion in it. Draw graph of velocity and kinetic energy versus x for one complete cycle AFA.
A graph of potential energy V(x) verses x is shown in figure. A particle of energy E0 is executing motion in it. Draw graph of velocity and kinetic energy versus x for one complete cycle AFA. A graph of potential energy V(x) verses x is shown in figure. A particle of energy E0 is executing [...]
A bob of mass m suspended by a light string of length L is whirled into a vertical circle as shown in figure. What will be the trajectory of the particle if the string is cut at
A bob of mass m suspended by a light string of length L is whirled into a vertical circle as shown in figure. What will be the trajectory of the particle if the string is cut at A bob of mass m suspended by a light string of length L is whirled into a vertical [...]
Two bodies of unequal mass are moving in the same direction with equal kinetic energy. The two bodies are brought to rest by applying retarding force of same magnitude. How would the distance moved by them before coming to rest compare?
Two bodies of unequal mass are moving in the same direction with equal kinetic energy. The two bodies are brought to rest by applying retarding force of same magnitude. How would the distance moved by them before coming to rest compare? A man of mass m standing at the bottom of the staircase of height [...]
The average work done by a human heart while it beats once is 0.5 J. Calculate the power used by heart if it beats 72 times in a minute.
The average work done by a human heart while it beats once is 0.5 J. Calculate the power used by heart if it beats 72 times in a minute. The average work done by a human heart while it beats once is 0.5 J. Calculate the power used by heart if it beats 72 times [...]
Calculate the power of a crane in watts, which lifts a mass of 100 kg to a height of 10 m in 20 seconds.
Calculate the power of a crane in watts, which lifts a mass of 100 kg to a height of 10 m in 20 seconds. Calculate the power of a crane in watts which lifts a mass of 100 kg to a height of 10 m in 20 seconds. November 9, 2020 Category: Chapter 5 - [...]
In an elastic collision of two billiard balls, which of the following quantities remain conserved during the short time of collision of the balls (i.e., when they are in contact). (a) Kinetic energy . (b) Total linear momentum ? Give reason for your answer in each case.
In an elastic collision of two billiard balls, which of the following quantities remain conserved during the short time of collision of the balls (i.e., when they are in contact). (a) Kinetic energy . (b) Total linear momentum ? Give reason for your answer in each case. In an elastic collision of two billiard balls [...]
Calculate the work done by a car against gravity in moving along a straight horizontal road. the mass of the car is 400 kg and the distance moved is 2 m.
Calculate the work done by a car against gravity in moving along a straight horizontal road. the mass of the car is 400 kg and the distance moved is 2 m. Calculate the work done by a car against gravity in moving along a straight horizontal road. the mass of the car is 400 kg [...]