Find the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator at which its PE is half of the maximum energy of the oscillator.
Find the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator at which its PE is half of the maximum energy of the oscillator. Find the displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator at which its PE is half of the maximum energy of the oscillator. November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 [...]
Show that the motion of a particle represented by y=sinωt−cosωt is simple harmonic with a period of 2π/ω.
Show that the motion of a particle represented by y=sinωt−cosωt is simple harmonic with a period of 2π/ω. Show that the motion of a particle represented by y=sinωt−cosωt is simple harmonic with a period of 2π/ω. November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
Find the time period of mass M when displaced from its equilibrium position and then released for the system as shown in figure is:
Find the time period of mass M when displaced from its equilibrium position and then released for the system as shown in figure is: Find the time period of mass M when displaced from its equilibrium position and then released for the system as shown in figure is: November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - [...]
The length of a second’s pendulum on the surface of Earth in 1m. What will be the length of a second’s pendulum on the moon?
The length of a second’s pendulum on the surface of Earth in 1m. What will be the length of a second’s pendulum on the moon? The length of a second's pendulum on the surface of Earth in 1m. What will be the length of a second's pendulum on the moon? November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter [...]
Draw a graph to show the variation of PE, KE and total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator with displacement.
Draw a graph to show the variation of PE, KE and total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator with displacement. Draw a graph to show the variation of PE KE and total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator with displacement. November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics [...]
Show that for a particle executing SHM, velocity and displacement have a phase difference of π/2 .
Show that for a particle executing SHM, velocity and displacement have a phase difference of π/2 . Show that for a particle executing SHM velocity and displacement have a phase difference of π/2 . November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
In figure, what be the sign of the velocity of the point P’, which is the projection of the velocity of the reference particle P.P is moving in a circle of radius R in anti-clockwise direction.
In figure, what be the sign of the velocity of the point P’, which is the projection of the velocity of the reference particle P.P is moving in a circle of radius R in anti-clockwise direction. In figure what be the sign of the velocity of the point P' which is the projection of the [...]
What is the ratio between the distance travelled by the oscillator in one time period and amplitude?
What is the ratio between the distance travelled by the oscillator in one time period and amplitude? What is the ratio between the distance travelled by the oscillator in one time period and amplitude? November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
What is the ratio of maximum resistance to the maximum velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator ?
What is the ratio of maximum resistance to the maximum velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator ? What is the ratio of maximum resistance to the maximum velocity of a simple harmonic oscillator ? November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
When will the motion of a simple pendulum be simple harmonic?
When will the motion of a simple pendulum be simple harmonic? When will the motion of a simple pendulum be simple harmonic? November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,