At what temperature will the speed of sound in air be 3 times its value at 0^o C?
At what temperature will the speed of sound in air be 3 times its value at 0^o C? At what temperature will the speed of sound in air be 3 times its value at 0^o C? November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 14 - Waves , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
A sitar wire is replaced by another wire of same length and material but of three times the earlier radius. If the tension in the wire remains the same, by what factor will the frequency change ?
A sitar wire is replaced by another wire of same length and material but of three times the earlier radius. If the tension in the wire remains the same, by what factor will the frequency change ? A sitar wire is replaced by another wire of same length and material but of three times the [...]
The displacement of an elastic wave is given by the function y=3sinωt+4cosωt. where y is in cm and t is in second. Calculate the resultant amplitude.
The displacement of an elastic wave is given by the function y=3sinωt+4cosωt. where y is in cm and t is in second. Calculate the resultant amplitude. The displacement of an elastic wave is given by the function y=3sinωt+4cosωt. where y is in cm and t is in second. Calculate the resultant amplitude. November 12, 2020 [...]
A tuning fork A, marked 512 Hz, produces 5 beats per second, when sounded with another unmarked tuning fork B. If B is loaded with wax, the number of beats is again 5 per second. What is the frequency of tuning fork B when not loaded?
A tuning fork A, marked 512 Hz, produces 5 beats per second, when sounded with another unmarked tuning fork B. If B is loaded with wax, the number of beats is again 5 per second. What is the frequency of tuning fork B when not loaded? A tuning fork A marked 512 Hz produces 5 [...]
An organ pipe of length L open at both ends is found to vibrate in its harmonic when sounded with a tuning fork of 480Hz. What should be the length of a pipe closed at one end, so that it also vibrates in its first harmonic with the same tuning fork?
An organ pipe of length L open at both ends is found to vibrate in its harmonic when sounded with a tuning fork of 480Hz. What should be the length of a pipe closed at one end, so that it also vibrates in its first harmonic with the same tuning fork? An organ pipe of [...]
A sonometer wire is vibrating is resonance with a tuning fork. Keeping the tension applied same, the length of the wire is doubled. Under what conditions would the tuning fork still be in resonance with the wire?
A sonometer wire is vibrating is resonance with a tuning fork. Keeping the tension applied same, the length of the wire is doubled. Under what conditions would the tuning fork still be in resonance with the wire? A sonometer wire is vibrating is resonance with a tuning fork. Keeping the tension applied same the length [...]
A person normally weighing 50 kg stands on a massless platform which oscillates up and down harmonically at a frequency of 2.0s−1 and an amplitude 5.0 cm. A weighing machine on the platform gives the persons weight against time. (a) Will there be any change in weight of the body, during the oscillation? (b) If answer to part (a) is yes, what will be the maximum and minimum reading in the machine and at which position?
A person normally weighing 50 kg stands on a massless platform which oscillates up and down harmonically at a frequency of 2.0s−1 and an amplitude 5.0 cm. A weighing machine on the platform gives the persons weight against time. (a) Will there be any change in weight of the body, during the oscillation? (b) If [...]
Consider a pair of identical pendulums, which oscillate with equal amplitude independently such that when one pendulum is at its extreme position making an angle of 2^o to the right of the vertical, the other pendulum makes an angle of 1^o to the left of the vertical. The phase difference between the pendulums is:
Consider a pair of identical pendulums, which oscillate with equal amplitude independently such that when one pendulum is at its extreme position making an angle of 2^o to the right of the vertical, the other pendulum makes an angle of 1^o to the left of the vertical. The phase difference between the pendulums is: Consider [...]
Consider a pair of identical pendulums ,
the other pendulum makes an angle of 1^o to the left of the vertical. The phase difference between the pendulums is: ,
which oscillate with equal amplitude independently such that when one pendulum is at its extreme position making an angle of 2^o to the right of the vertical ,
A body of mass m is situated in a potential field U(x) = U0 (1-cos αx) when U0 and α are constants. Find the time period of small oscillations.
A body of mass m is situated in a potential field U(x) = U0 (1-cos αx) when U0 and α are constants. Find the time period of small oscillations. A body of mass m is situated in a potential field U(x) = U0 (1-cos αx) when U0 and α are constants. Find the time period [...]
A block of mass 2kg is attached to the spring of spring constant 50Nm^−1. The block is pulled to a distance of 5 cm from its equilibrium position at x=0 on a horizontal frictionless surface from rest at t = 0. Write the expression for its displacement at anytime t.
A block of mass 2kg is attached to the spring of spring constant 50Nm^−1. The block is pulled to a distance of 5 cm from its equilibrium position at x=0 on a horizontal frictionless surface from rest at t = 0. Write the expression for its displacement at anytime t. Find the displacement of a [...]