A tank with a square base of area 1.0 m^2 is divided by a vertical partition in the middle. The bottom of the partition has a small-hinged door of area 20 cm^2 . The tank is filled with water in one compartment, and an acid (of relative density 1.7) in the other, both to a height of 4.0 m. compute the force necessary to keep the door close.
A tank with a square base of area 1.0 m^2 is divided by a vertical partition in the middle. The bottom of the partition has a small-hinged door of area 20 cm^2 . The tank is filled with water in one compartment, and an acid (of relative density 1.7) in the other, both to a [...]
What is the excess pressure inside a bubble of soap solution of radius 5.00 mm, given that the surface tension of soap solution at the temperature (20^o C) is 2.50×10^−2 N/m ? If an air bubble of the same dimension were formed at depth of 40.0 cm inside a container containing the soap solution (of relative density 1.20), what would be the pressure inside the bubble ? (1 atmospheric pressure is 1.01×10^5 Pa)
What is the excess pressure inside a bubble of soap solution of radius 5.00 mm, given that the surface tension of soap solution at the temperature (20^o C) is 2.50×10^−2 N/m ? If an air bubble of the same dimension were formed at depth of 40.0 cm inside a container containing the soap solution (of [...]
The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 cm^2 one end of which has 40 fine holes each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube is 1.5 m min^−1 ,
What is the excess pressure inside a bubble of soap solution of radius 5.00 mm ,
what is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes ? ,
What is the pressure inside the drop of mercury of radius 3.00 mm at room temperature ? Surface tension of mercury at that temperature (20^o C) is 4.65×10^−1 Nm^−1. The atmospheric pressure is 1.01×10^5 Pa. Also give the excess pressure inside the drop.
What is the pressure inside the drop of mercury of radius 3.00 mm at room temperature ? Surface tension of mercury at that temperature (20^o C) is 4.65×10^−1 Nm^−1. The atmospheric pressure is 1.01×10^5 Pa. Also give the excess pressure inside the drop. The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 [...]
The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 cm^2 one end of which has 40 fine holes each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube is 1.5 m min^−1 , what is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes ?
The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 cm^2 one end of which has 40 fine holes each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube is 1.5 m min^−1 , what is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes ? The cylindrical tube of [...]
Figures (a) and (b) refer to the steady flow of a (non-viscous) liquid. Which of the two figures is incorrect ? Why ?
Figures (a) and (b) refer to the steady flow of a (non-viscous) liquid. Which of the two figures is incorrect ? Why ? Figures (a) and (b) refer to the steady flow of a (non-viscous) liquid. Which of the two figures is incorrect ? Why ? November 12, 2020 Category: Chapter 14 - Waves , [...]
Glycerine flows steadily through a horizontal tube of length 1.5 cm and radius 1cm. If the amount of glycerine collected per second at one end is 4×10^−3kg/s. What is the pressure difference between the ends of the tube (Density of glycerine =1.3×10^3kg^−3 viscosity of glycerine – 0.83Pas)
Glycerine flows steadily through a horizontal tube of length 1.5 cm and radius 1cm. If the amount of glycerine collected per second at one end is 4×10^−3kg/s. What is the pressure difference between the ends of the tube (Density of glycerine =1.3×10^3kg^−3 viscosity of glycerine – 0.83Pas) 2 loops 3 loops and 4 loops Show [...]
In a test experiment on a model aeroplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are 70 ms^−1 and 63 ms^−1 respectively. What is the lift on the wing if its area is 2.5 m^2 ? Take the density of air to be 1.3 kgm^−3.
In a test experiment on a model aeroplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are 70 ms^−1 and 63 ms^−1 respectively. What is the lift on the wing if its area is 2.5 m^2 ? Take the density of air to be 1.3 kgm^−3. In [...]
In problem 10.9, if 15.0 cm of water and spirit each are further poured into the respective arms of the tube, what is the difference in the levels of mercury in the two arms? (Specific gravity of mercury = 13.6)
In problem 10.9, if 15.0 cm of water and spirit each are further poured into the respective arms of the tube, what is the difference in the levels of mercury in the two arms? (Specific gravity of mercury = 13.6) if 15.0 cm of water and spirit each are further poured into the respective arms [...]
A U-tube contains water and methylated spirit separated by mercury. The mercury columns in the two arms are in level with 10.0 cm of water in one arm and 12.5 cm of spirit in the other. What is the specific gravity of spirit ?
A U-tube contains water and methylated spirit separated by mercury. The mercury columns in the two arms are in level with 10.0 cm of water in one arm and 12.5 cm of spirit in the other. What is the specific gravity of spirit ? 2 loops 3 loops and 4 loops Show that when a [...]
A hydraulic automobile lift is designed to lift cars with a maximum mass of 3000Kg. The area of cross section of the piston carrying the load is 425 cm^2. What maximum pressures would the smaller piston have to bear?
A hydraulic automobile lift is designed to lift cars with a maximum mass of 3000Kg. The area of cross section of the piston carrying the load is 425 cm^2. What maximum pressures would the smaller piston have to bear? 2 loops 3 loops and 4 loops Show that when a string fixed at its two [...]