Figures,. Correspond to two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the period of revolution, the initial position, and the sense of revolution (i.e. clockwise or anticlockwise) are indicated on each figure. Obtain the corresponding equations of simple harmonic motions of the revolving particle P in each case.
Figures,. Correspond to two circular motions. The radius of the circle, the period of revolution, the initial position, and the sense of revolution (i.e. clockwise or anticlockwise) are indicated on each figure. Obtain the corresponding equations of simple harmonic motions of the revolving particle P in each case. . Correspond to two circular motions. The [...]
. Correspond to two circular motions. The radius of the circle ,
and the sense of revolution (i.e. clockwise or anticlockwise) are indicated on each figure. Obtain the corresponding equations of simple harmonic motions of the revolving particle P in each case. ,
Figures ,
the initial position ,
the period of revolution ,
A spring having with a spring constant 1200 N/m is mounted on a horizontal table as shown in the Figure. A mass of 3 kg is attached to the free end of the spring. The mass is then pulled sideways to a distance of 2.0 cm and released. Determine (i) the frequency of oscillations, (ii) maximum acceleration of the mass, and (iii) the maximum speed of the mass.
A spring having with a spring constant 1200 N/m is mounted on a horizontal table as shown in the Figure. A mass of 3 kg is attached to the free end of the spring. The mass is then pulled sideways to a distance of 2.0 cm and released. Determine (i) the frequency of oscillations, (ii) [...]
In Millikan's oil drop experiment ,
The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 cm^2 one end of which has 40 fine holes each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube is 1.5 m min^−1 ,
Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form a U-shaped tube open at both ends. If the U-tube contains water ,
what is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes ? ,
A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50kg. The length of the scale is 20cm. A body suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates with period of 0.6s. What is the weight of the body ?
A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50kg. The length of the scale is 20cm. A body suspended from this balance, when displaced and released, oscillates with period of 0.6s. What is the weight of the body ? A spring balance has a scale that reads from 0 to 50kg. The [...]
The motion of a particle in S.H.M. is described by the displacement function, x=A cos(ωt+ϕ), If the initial (t=0) position of the particle is 1cm and its initial velocity is ωcms−1, what are its amplitude and initial phase angle ? The angular frequency of the particle is πs−1. If instead of the cosine function, we choose the sine function to describe the SHM : x = B sin(ωt+α), what are the amplitude and initial phase of the particle with the above initial conditions ?
The motion of a particle in S.H.M. is described by the displacement function, x=A cos(ωt+ϕ), If the initial (t=0) position of the particle is 1cm and its initial velocity is ωcms−1, what are its amplitude and initial phase angle ? The angular frequency of the particle is πs−1. If instead of the cosine function, we [...]
If the initial (t=0) position of the particle is 1cm and its initial velocity is ωcms−1 ,
The motion of a particle in S.H.M. is described by the displacement function ,
we choose the sine function to describe the SHM : x = B sin(ωt+α) ,
what are its amplitude and initial phase angle ? The angular frequency of the particle is πs−1. If instead of the cosine function ,
what are the amplitude and initial phase of the particle with the above initial conditions ? ,
x=A cos(ωt+ϕ) ,
Which of the following relationships between the acceleration a and the displacement x of a particle involve simple harmonic motion ?
Which of the following relationships between the acceleration a and the displacement x of a particle involve simple harmonic motion ? Which of the following relationships between the acceleration a and the displacement x of a particle involve simple harmonic motion ? November 13, 2020 Category: Chapter 13 - Oscillations , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 [...]
As a graph are plot between displacement versus time we shall check for repetition to ascertain whether periodic or not. Also the minimum time span after which the plot repeats itself will be time period of the motion.
As a graph are plot between displacement versus time we shall check for repetition to ascertain whether periodic or not. Also the minimum time span after which the plot repeats itself will be time period of the motion. In Millikan's oil drop experiment The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 [...]
In Millikan's oil drop experiment ,
The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 cm^2 one end of which has 40 fine holes each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube is 1.5 m min^−1 ,
Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form a U-shaped tube open at both ends. If the U-tube contains water ,
what is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes ? ,
Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form a U-shaped tube open at both ends. If the U-tube contains water, what is the difference in its levels in the two limbs of the tube? Surface tension of water at the temperature of the experiment is 7.3×10^−2Nm^−1. Take the angle of contact to be zero. and density of water to be 1.0×10^3kg/m^3. (g=9.8ms^−2)
Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form a U-shaped tube open at both ends. If the U-tube contains water, what is the difference in its levels in the two limbs of the tube? Surface tension of water at the temperature of the experiment is 7.3×10^−2Nm^−1. Take the angle [...]
In Millikan's oil drop experiment ,
The cylindrical tube of a spray pump has a cross-section of 8.0 cm^2 one end of which has 40 fine holes each of diameter 1.0 mm. If the liquid flow inside the tube is 1.5 m min^−1 ,
Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form a U-shaped tube open at both ends. If the U-tube contains water ,
what is the speed of ejection of the liquid through the holes ? ,
Mercury has an angle of contact equal to 140^∘ with soda lime glass. A narrow tube of radius 1.00mm made of this glass is dipped in a through containing mercury. By what amount does the mercury dip down in the tube relative to the mercury surface outside? Surface tension of mercury at the temperature of the experiment is 0.465 Nm^−1. Density of mercury = 13.6 × 10^3 kgm^−3.
Mercury has an angle of contact equal to 140^∘ with soda lime glass. A narrow tube of radius 1.00mm made of this glass is dipped in a through containing mercury. By what amount does the mercury dip down in the tube relative to the mercury surface outside? Surface tension of mercury at the temperature of [...]
In Millikan’s oil drop experiment, what is the terminal speed of an uncharged drop of radius 2.0×10^−5 m and density 1.2×10^23 kgm^−3 . Take the viscosity of air at the temperature of the experiment to be 1.8×10^−5 Pas. How much is the viscous force on the drop at that speed ? Neglect buoyancy of the drop due to air.
In Millikan’s oil drop experiment, what is the terminal speed of an uncharged drop of radius 2.0×10^−5 m and density 1.2×10^23 kgm^−3 . Take the viscosity of air at the temperature of the experiment to be 1.8×10^−5 Pas. How much is the viscous force on the drop at that speed ? Neglect buoyancy of the [...]
A plane is in level flight at constant speed and each of its two wings has an area of 25 m^2. If the speed of the air is 180 km/h over the lower wing and 234 km/h over the upper wing surface, determine the mass of plane’s. (Take air density to be 1 km m^−3 ).
A plane is in level flight at constant speed and each of its two wings has an area of 25 m^2. If the speed of the air is 180 km/h over the lower wing and 234 km/h over the upper wing surface, determine the mass of plane’s. (Take air density to be 1 km m^−3 [...]