Chapter 9 – Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > NCERT Exemplar Class 11 > Physics > Chapter 9 - Mechanical Properties of Fluids
The surface tension and vapour pressure of water at 20∘C is 7.28×10^−2 Nm^−1 and 2.33×10^3Pa, respectively. What is the radius of the smallest spherical water droplet which can form without evaporating at 20^∘C?
The surface tension and vapour pressure of water at 20∘C is 7.28×10^−2 Nm^−1 and 2.33×10^3Pa, respectively. What is the radius of the smallest spherical water droplet which can form without evaporating at 20^∘C? respectively. What is the radius of the smallest spherical water droplet which can form without evaporating at 20^∘C? The surface tension and [...]
Two mercury droplets of radii 0.1 cm and 0.2 cm collapse into one single drop. What amount of energy is released? The surface tension of mercury S=435.5×10^−3Nm^−1
Two mercury droplets of radii 0.1 cm and 0.2 cm collapse into one single drop. What amount of energy is released? The surface tension of mercury S=435.5×10^−3Nm^−1 Two mercury droplets of radii 0.1 cm and 0.2 cm collapse into one single drop. What amount of energy is released? The surface tension of mercury S=435.5×10^−3Nm^−1 November [...]
The sap in trees, which consists mainly of water in summer, rises in a system of capillaries of radius r=2.5×10^−5 m. The surface tension of sap is S=7.28×10^−3 Nm^−1 and the angle of contact is 0^∘. Does surface tension alone account for the supply of water to the top of all tress ?
The sap in trees, which consists mainly of water in summer, rises in a system of capillaries of radius r=2.5×10^−5 m. The surface tension of sap is S=7.28×10^−3 Nm^−1 and the angle of contact is 0^∘. Does surface tension alone account for the supply of water to the top of all tress ? Iceberg floats [...]
A cubical block of density ρ is floating on the surface of water. Out of its height L, fraction x is submerged in water. The vessel is in an elevator accelerating upward with acceleration a . What is the fraction immersed?
A cubical block of density ρ is floating on the surface of water. Out of its height L, fraction x is submerged in water. The vessel is in an elevator accelerating upward with acceleration a . What is the fraction immersed? A cubical block of density ρ is floating on the surface of water. Out [...]