Chapter 7 – Gravitation
Answer the following: (a) You can shield a charge from electrical forces by putting it inside a hollow conductor. Can you shield a body from the gravitational influence of nearby matter by putting it inside a hollow sphere or by some other means?
Answer the following: (a) You can shield a charge from electrical forces by putting it inside a hollow conductor. Can you shield a body from the gravitational influence of nearby matter by putting it inside a hollow sphere or by some other means? Draw areal velocity versus time graph for mars. September 19, 2020 Category: [...]
A satellite is to be placed in equatorial geostationary orbit around earth for communication.
A satellite is to be placed in equatorial geostationary orbit around earth for communication. A satellite is to be placed in equatorial geostationary orbit around earth for communication. September 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 7 - Gravitation , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
A star like the sun has several bodies moving around it at different distances. Consider that all of them are moving in circular orbits. Let r be the distance of the body from the centre of the star and let its linear velocity be v, angular velocity to, kinetic energy K, gravitational potential energy U, total energy E and angular momentum /. As the radius r of the orbit increases, determine which of the above quantities increase and which ones decrease.
A star like the sun has several bodies moving around it at different distances. Consider that all of them are moving in circular orbits. Let r be the distance of the body from the centre of the star and let its linear velocity be v, angular velocity to, kinetic energy K, gravitational potential energy U, [...]
A mass m is placed at P at a distance h along the normal through the centre O of a thin circular ring of mass M and radius r as shown in figure.
A mass m is placed at P at a distance h along the normal through the centre O of a thin circular ring of mass M and radius r as shown in figure. A mass m is placed at P at a distance h along the normal through the centre O of a thin circular [...]
Show the nature of the following graph for a satellite orbiting the earth.
Show the nature of the following graph for a satellite orbiting the earth. Show the nature of the following graph for a satellite orbiting the earth. September 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 7 - Gravitation , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
Two identical heavy spheres are separated by a distance 10 times their radius. Will an object placed at the mid-point of the line joining their centres be in stable equilibrium or unstable equilibrium ? Give reason for your answer.
Two identical heavy spheres are separated by a distance 10 times their radius. Will an object placed at the mid-point of the line joining their centres be in stable equilibrium or unstable equilibrium ? Give reason for your answer. Draw areal velocity versus time graph for mars. September 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 7 - Gravitation [...]
Out of aphelion and perihelion, where is the speed of the earth more and why?
Out of aphelion and perihelion, where is the speed of the earth more and why? Out of aphelion and perihelion where is the speed of the earth more and why? September 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 7 - Gravitation , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
What is the direction of areal velocity of the earth around the sun ?
What is the direction of areal velocity of the earth around the sun ? What is the direction of areal velocity of the earth around the sun ? September 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 7 - Gravitation , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,
Draw areal velocity versus time graph for mars.
Draw areal velocity versus time graph for mars. Draw areal velocity versus time graph for mars. September 19, 2020 Category: Chapter 7 - Gravitation , NCERT Exemplar Class 11 , Physics ,