NCERT Exemplar Class 11
A vertical spring carries a 5kg body and is hanging in equilibrium an additional force is applied so that the spring is further stretched. When released from this position. It performs 50 complete oscillation in 25 s, with an amplitude of 5 cm. The additional force applied is
A vertical spring carries a 5kg body and is hanging in equilibrium an additional force is applied so that the spring is further stretched. When released from this position. It performs 50 complete oscillation in 25 s, with an amplitude of 5 cm. The additional force applied is Figure shows the variation of force acting [...]
Figure shows the variation of force acting on a particle of mass 400 g executing simple harmonic motion. The frequency of oscillation of the particle is-
Figure shows the variation of force acting on a particle of mass 400 g executing simple harmonic motion. The frequency of oscillation of the particle is- Figure shows the variation of force acting on a particle of mass 400 g executing simple harmonic motion. The frequency of oscillation of the particle is- September 13, 2020 [...]