NCERT Class 8
88. Factorise the following expressions. (iii) ax^3 – bx^2 + cx
88. Factorise the following expressions. (iii) ax^3 – bx^2 + cx 88. Factorise the following expressions. (iii) ax^3 – bx^2 + cx July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
88. Factorise the following expressions. (ii) –xy – ay
88. Factorise the following expressions. (ii) –xy – ay 88. Factorise the following expressions. (ii) –xy – ay July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
88. Factorise the following expressions. (i) 6ab + 12bc
88. Factorise the following expressions. (i) 6ab + 12bc 88. Factorise the following expressions. (i) 6ab + 12bc July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (x) 11x^2, 12y^2
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (x) 11x^2, 12y^2 12y^2 87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (x) 11x^2 July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (viii) 63p^2a^2r2s, – 9pq^2r^2s^2, 15p^2qr^2s^2, – 60p^2a^2rs^2
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (viii) 63p^2a^2r2s, – 9pq^2r^2s^2, 15p^2qr^2s^2, – 60p^2a^2rs^2 – 60p^2a^2rs^2 – 9pq^2r^2s^2 15p^2qr^2s^2 87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (viii) 63p^2a^2r2s July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , [...]
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (vi) qrxy, pryz, rxyz
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (vi) qrxy, pryz, rxyz 87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (vi) qrxy pryz rxyz July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (v) 21pqr, –7p^2q^2r^2, 49p^2qr
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (v) 21pqr, –7p^2q^2r^2, 49p^2qr –7p^2q^2r^2 49p^2qr 87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (v) 21pqr July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (ix) 13x^2y, 169xy
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (ix) 13x^2y, 169xy 169xy 87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (ix) 13x^2y July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (iv) l^2m^2n, lm^2n^2, l^2mn^2
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (iv) l^2m^2n, lm^2n^2, l^2mn^2 87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (iv) l^2m^2n l^2mn^2 lm^2n^2 July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (iii) 2xy, –y^2, 2x^2y
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (iii) 2xy, –y^2, 2x^2y 2x^2y 87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms. (iii) 2xy y2) July 27, 2021 Category: Chapter 14 - Factorisation , Chapter 9 - Algebraic Expressions and Identities , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,