NCERT Class 8
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 10. 12A + 6AB = A09
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 10. 12A + 6AB = A09 Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 10. 12A + 6AB = A09 October 13, 2020 Category: Chapter 16 - [...]
2. If 31z5 is a multiple of 9, where z is a digit, what is the value of z? You will find that there are two answers for the last problem. Why is this so?
2. If 31z5 is a multiple of 9, where z is a digit, what is the value of z? You will find that there are two answers for the last problem. Why is this so? 2. If 31z5 is a multiple of 9 what is the value of z? You will find that there are [...]
1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of y?
1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9, where y is a digit, what is the value of y? 1. If 21y5 is a multiple of 9 what is the value of y? where y is a digit October 13, 2020 Category: Chapter 16 - Playing with Numbers , Maths , NCERT Class 8 ,
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 10. 1 2 A + 6 A B = A 0 9
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 10. 1 2 A + 6 A B = A 0 9 Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 10. 1 2 A + 6 A [...]
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 9. 2 A B + A B 1 = B 1 8
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 9. 2 A B + A B 1 = B 1 8 Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 9. 2 A B + A B [...]
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 8. A 1 + 1 B = B 0
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 8. A 1 + 1 B = B 0 Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 8. A 1 + 1 B = B 0 October [...]
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 7. A B x 6 = B B B
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 7. A B x 6 = B B B Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 7. A B x 6 = B B B October [...]
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 6. A B x 5 = C A B
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 6. A B x 5 = C A B Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 6. A B x 5 = C A B October [...]
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 5. A B x 3 = C A B
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 5. A B x 3 = C A B Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 5. A B x 3 = C A B October [...]
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 4. A B + 3 7 = 6 A
Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 4. A B + 3 7 = 6 A Find the values of the letters in each of the following and give reasons for the steps involved. 4. A B + 3 7 = 6 A October [...]