N Awasthi Physical Chemistry
The energy of separation of an electron in a hydrogen like atom in excited state is 3.4eV. The de-Broglie wave length (in Å) associated with the electron is :
The energy of separation of an electron in a hydrogen like atom in excited state is 3.4eV. The de-Broglie wave length (in Å) associated with the electron is : The energy of separation of an electron in a hydrogen like atom in excited state is 3.4eV. The de-Broglie wave length (in Å) associated with the [...]
Balmer gives an equation for wavelength of visible radiation of H spectrum as λ=n^2−4kn^2. The value of k in terms of Rydberg’s constant R is.
Balmer gives an equation for wavelength of visible radiation of H spectrum as λ=n^2−4kn^2. The value of k in terms of Rydberg’s constant R is. Balmer gives an equation for wavelength of visible radiation of H spectrum as λ=n^2−4kn^2. The value of k in terms of Rydberg's constant R is. November 10, 2020 Category: Chapter [...]
In the graph between root v and Z for the Mosley’s equation root v = a(Z−b) , the intercept OX is −1 on root v axis. What if the frequency when atomic number (Z) is 51?
In the graph between root v and Z for the Mosley’s equation root v = a(Z−b) , the intercept OX is −1 on root v axis. What if the frequency when atomic number (Z) is 51? In the graph between root v and Z for the Mosley's equation root v = a(Z−b) the intercept OX [...]
An α-particle having kinetic energy 5 MeV falls on a Cu-foil. The shortest distance from the nucleus of Cu to which α- particle reaches is (Atomic no. of Cu=29,K = 9 × 10^9Nm^2/C^2)
An α-particle having kinetic energy 5 MeV falls on a Cu-foil. The shortest distance from the nucleus of Cu to which α- particle reaches is (Atomic no. of Cu=29,K = 9 × 10^9Nm^2/C^2) An α-particle having kinetic energy 5 MeV falls on a Cu-foil. The shortest distance from the nucleus of Cu to which α- [...]
If the lowest energy X-rays have λ = 3.055 × 10^−8 m, estimate the minimum difference in energy between two Bohr’s orbits such that an electronic transition would correspond to the emission of an X-ray. Assuming that the electrons in other shells exert no influence, at what Z(minimum) would a transition from a second energy level to the first result in the emission of an X-ray?
If the lowest energy X-rays have λ = 3.055 × 10^−8 m, estimate the minimum difference in energy between two Bohr’s orbits such that an electronic transition would correspond to the emission of an X-ray. Assuming that the electrons in other shells exert no influence, at what Z(minimum) would a transition from a second energy [...]
H-atom is exposed to electromagnetic radiation of λ=1025.6 A˚ and excited atom gives out induced radiations. What is the minimum wavelength of these induced radiations?
H-atom is exposed to electromagnetic radiation of λ=1025.6 A˚ and excited atom gives out induced radiations. What is the minimum wavelength of these induced radiations? H-atom is exposed to electromagnetic radiation of λ=1025.6 A˚ and excited atom gives out induced radiations. What is the minimum wavelength of these induced radiations? November 10, 2020 Category: Chapter [...]
A hydrogen like species (atomic number Z) is present in a higher excited state of quantum number n. This excited atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successive emission of two photons of energies 10.20eV and 17.0eV respectively. Alternatively, the atom from the same excited state can make a transition to the second excited state by successive emission of two photons of energy 4.25eV and 5.95eV respectively. Determine the value of Z.
A hydrogen like species (atomic number Z) is present in a higher excited state of quantum number n. This excited atom can make a transition to the first excited state by successive emission of two photons of energies 10.20eV and 17.0eV respectively. Alternatively, the atom from the same excited state can make a transition to [...]
In a measurement of quantum efficiency of photosynthesis in green plants, it was found that 10 quanta of red light of wavelength 6850 Å were needed to release one molecule of O2. The average energy storage in this process for 1 mole O2 evolved is 112 Kcal. What is the energy conversion efficiency in this experiment? Given: 1 cal =4.18 J, NA = 6 × 1023,h = 6.63 × 10^−34 J.s
In a measurement of quantum efficiency of photosynthesis in green plants, it was found that 10 quanta of red light of wavelength 6850 Å were needed to release one molecule of O2. The average energy storage in this process for 1 mole O2 evolved is 112 Kcal. What is the energy conversion efficiency in this [...]
An electron, in a hydrogen atom, in its ground state absorbs 1.5 times as much energy as the minimum required for its escape from the atom. What is the velocity of the emitted electron ?
An electron, in a hydrogen atom, in its ground state absorbs 1.5 times as much energy as the minimum required for its escape from the atom. What is the velocity of the emitted electron ? An electron In a hydrogen atom in its ground state absorbs 1.5 times as much energy as the minimum required [...]
Calculate the minimum and maximum number of electrons which may have magnetic quantum number m=+1 and spin quantum number s=−1/2 in chromium (Cr)
Calculate the minimum and maximum number of electrons which may have magnetic quantum number m=+1 and spin quantum number s=−1/2 in chromium (Cr) Calculate the minimum and maximum number of electrons which may have magnetic quantum number m=+1 and spin quantum number s=−1/2 in chromium (Cr) November 10, 2020 Category: Chapter 2 - Atomic Structure [...]