Chapter 4 – Magnetic Effect of Current and Moving Charges
Sahay Sir > Question Answers > MTG NEET Physics > Part 2 > Chapter 4 - Magnetic Effect of Current and Moving Charges
Magnetic field at the centre of a coil in the form of a square of side 2 cm carrying a current of 1.414 A is
Magnetic field at the centre of a coil in the form of a square of side 2 cm carrying a current of 1.414 A is Magnetic field at the centre of a coil in the form of a square of side 2 cm carrying a current of 1.414 A is November 21, 2021 Category: Chapter [...]
A cyclotron is used to accelerate protons, deuterons, alpha-particles etc. The maximum kinetic energy acquired by the accelerated protons is E. What will be the maximum K,E, acquired by the alpha-particles if they are accelerated under the same experimental conditions?
A cyclotron is used to accelerate protons, deuterons, alpha-particles etc. The maximum kinetic energy acquired by the accelerated protons is E. What will be the maximum K,E, acquired by the alpha-particles if they are accelerated under the same experimental conditions? -e A cyclotron is used to accelerate protons acquired by the alpha-particles if they are [...]
Two particles of masses ma and mb and same charge are projected in a perpendicular magnetic field. They travel along circular paths of radius ra and rb such that ra>rb . Then which is not possible ?
Two particles of masses ma and mb and same charge are projected in a perpendicular magnetic field. They travel along circular paths of radius ra and rb such that ra>rb . Then which is not possible ? A proton is projected with a uniform velocity ′v′ along the axis of a current carrying solenoid then [...]
An electron having charge 1.6×10^−19 and mass 9×10^−31kg is moving with 4×10^6 ms^−1 speed in a magnetic field 2×10^−1 tesla in a circular orbit. The force acting on electron and the radius of the circular orbit will be:
An electron having charge 1.6×10^−19 and mass 9×10^−31kg is moving with 4×10^6 ms^−1 speed in a magnetic field 2×10^−1 tesla in a circular orbit. The force acting on electron and the radius of the circular orbit will be: A proton is projected with a uniform velocity ′v′ along the axis of a current carrying solenoid [...]
An electron enters the space between the plates of a charged capacitor as shown. The charge density on the plate is σ . Electric intensity in the space between the plates is E. A uniform magnetic field B also exists in that space perpendicular to the direction of E. The electron moves perpendicular to both E→ and B→ without any change in direction. The time taken by the electron to travel a distance l in that space is
An electron enters the space between the plates of a charged capacitor as shown. The charge density on the plate is σ . Electric intensity in the space between the plates is E. A uniform magnetic field B also exists in that space perpendicular to the direction of E. The electron moves perpendicular to both [...]
The maximum velocity to which a proton can be accelerated in a cyclotron of 10 MHz frequency and radius 50 cm is
The maximum velocity to which a proton can be accelerated in a cyclotron of 10 MHz frequency and radius 50 cm is The maximum velocity to which a proton can be accelerated in a cyclotron of 10 MHz frequency and radius 50 cm is November 21, 2021 Category: Chapter 4 - Magnetic Effect of Current [...]
An electron is moving at a speed of 100 m/s along the x -axis through uniform electric and magnetic fields. The magnetic field is directed along the z -axis and has magnitude 5.0 T . In unit vector notation, what is the electric field?
An electron is moving at a speed of 100 m/s along the x -axis through uniform electric and magnetic fields. The magnetic field is directed along the z -axis and has magnitude 5.0 T . In unit vector notation, what is the electric field? A proton is projected with a uniform velocity ′v′ along the [...]
If E and B are the magnitudes of electric and magnetic fields respectively in some region of space, then the possibilities for which a charged particle may move in that space with a uniform velocity of magnitude v are
If E and B are the magnitudes of electric and magnetic fields respectively in some region of space, then the possibilities for which a charged particle may move in that space with a uniform velocity of magnitude v are If E and B are the magnitudes of electric and magnetic fields respectively in some region [...]
A charged particle with velocity 2×10^3 m/s passes undeflected through electric and magnetic fields in mutually perpendicular directions. The magnetic field is 1.5 telsa. The electric field intensity will be
A charged particle with velocity 2×10^3 m/s passes undeflected through electric and magnetic fields in mutually perpendicular directions. The magnetic field is 1.5 telsa. The electric field intensity will be A proton is projected with a uniform velocity ′v′ along the axis of a current carrying solenoid then November 21, 2021 Category: Chapter 4 - [...]
Electrons move at right angles to a magnetic field of 1.5 x 10^-2 Tesla with a speed of 6 x 10^7 m/s If the specific charge of the electron is 1.7 x 10^11 Coul/kg. The radius of the circular path will be
Electrons move at right angles to a magnetic field of 1.5 x 10^-2 Tesla with a speed of 6 x 10^7 m/s If the specific charge of the electron is 1.7 x 10^11 Coul/kg. The radius of the circular path will be A proton is projected with a uniform velocity ′v′ along the axis of [...]