Chapter 17 – Wave Motion
A progressive wave moving along x-axis represented by y=Asin[λ2π(vt−x)]. The wavelength (λ) at which the maximum particle velocity is 3 times the wave velocity is
A progressive wave moving along x-axis represented by y=Asin[λ2π(vt−x)]. The wavelength (λ) at which the maximum particle velocity is 3 times the wave velocity is A progressive wave moving along x-axis represented by y=Asin[λ2π(vt−x)]. The wavelength (λ) at which the maximum particle velocity is 3 times the wave velocity is November 11, 2020 Category: Chapter [...]
What will be the wave velocity, if the radar gives 54 waves per min and wavelength of the given wave is 10m?
What will be the wave velocity, if the radar gives 54 waves per min and wavelength of the given wave is 10m? if the radar gives 54 waves per min and wavelength of the given wave is 10m? What will be the wave velocity November 11, 2020 Category: Chapter 17 - Wave Motion , MTG [...]
Oxygen is 16 times heavier than hydrogen. Equal volume of hydrogen and oxygen are mixed. The ratio of speed of sound in the mixture to that in hydrogen is
Oxygen is 16 times heavier than hydrogen. Equal volume of hydrogen and oxygen are mixed. The ratio of speed of sound in the mixture to that in hydrogen is Oxygen is 16 times heavier than hydrogen. Equal volume of hydrogen and oxygen are mixed. The ratio of speed of sound in the mixture to that [...]
The displacement y of a wave travelling in the x-direction is given by y=10−4sin(600t−2x+2π) metres. Where x is expressed in metre and t in second. The speed of the wave motion,in m/s is
The displacement y of a wave travelling in the x-direction is given by y=10−4sin(600t−2x+2π) metres. Where x is expressed in metre and t in second. The speed of the wave motion,in m/s is in m/s is The displacement y of a wave travelling in the x-direction is given by y=10−4sin(600t−2x+2π) metres. Where x is expressed [...]
The linear density of a vibrating string is 10−4 kg/m. A transverse wave is propagating on the string and is described by the equation Y=0.021 sin(x+30t) where x and y are measured in meter and t in second. Tension in the string is
The linear density of a vibrating string is 10−4 kg/m. A transverse wave is propagating on the string and is described by the equation Y=0.021 sin(x+30t) where x and y are measured in meter and t in second. Tension in the string is The equation of a wave is y = 5 sin (t0.04−x4) ; [...]
The figure show the shape of part of a long string in which transverse wave are produced by attaching one end of the string to tuning fork of frequency 250 Hz. What is the velocity of the waves
The figure show the shape of part of a long string in which transverse wave are produced by attaching one end of the string to tuning fork of frequency 250 Hz. What is the velocity of the waves /div> The figure show the shape of part of a long string in which transverse wave are [...]
In brass the velocity of a longitudinal wave is 100 times the velocity of a transverse wave. If Y = 1 × 1011N/m2 then stress in the wire is
In brass the velocity of a longitudinal wave is 100 times the velocity of a transverse wave. If Y = 1 × 1011N/m2 then stress in the wire is In brass the velocity of a longitudinal wave is 100 times the velocity of a transverse wave. If Y = 1 × 1011N/m2 then stress in [...]
If velocity of sound in a gas is 360 m / s and the distance between a compression and the nearest rarefaction is 1 m , then the frequency of sound is
If velocity of sound in a gas is 360 m / s and the distance between a compression and the nearest rarefaction is 1 m , then the frequency of sound is If velocity of sound in a gas is 360 m / s and the distance between a compression and the nearest rarefaction is [...]
The equation of a wave is y = 5 sin (t0.04−x4) ; where, x is in cm and t is in second. The maximum velocity of the particles of the medium is
The equation of a wave is y = 5 sin (t0.04−x4) ; where, x is in cm and t is in second. The maximum velocity of the particles of the medium is The equation of a wave is y = 5 sin (t0.04−x4) ; where x is in cm and t is in second. The [...]
A string of linear density 0.2kg stretched with a force of 500N. A transverse wave of length 4.0 m is set up along it.The speed of wave is
A string of linear density 0.2kg stretched with a force of 500N. A transverse wave of length 4.0 m is set up along it.The speed of wave is A string of linear density 0.2kg stretched with a force of 500N. A transverse wave of length 4.0 m is set up along it.The speed of wave [...]